draft-js-plugins / draft-js-plugins

React Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers

Home Page:https://www.draft-js-plugins.com/

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No documention for usage of popperjs with mentions plugin

17bcs1837 opened this issue · comments

Can anybody provide any examples on how to integrate popperjs v2 or v1 with mentions plugin. thanks!
This link returns 404 error:

Where did you found the link? The correct Link is https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/

this link is mentioned here: https://www.draft-js-plugins.com/plugin/mention -> Configuration Parameters -> popperOptions
The link https://www.draft-js-plugins.com/popper.js.org/docs/v2/ is supposed to provide details on how to configure popperjs with draftjs mentions plugin. that documentation is missing

I fixed the link in the documentation.

You should use it like this:

 const mentionPlugin = createMentionPlugin({
      popperOptions: {
        placement: 'right',

If you want to add an example feel free to send a PR with one.