draeger-lab / SBSCL

The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library (SBSCL) provides an efficient and exhaustive Java implementation of methods to interpret the content of models encoded in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and its numerical solution.

Home Page:https://draeger-lab.github.io/SBSCL/

Repository from Github https://github.comdraeger-lab/SBSCLRepository from Github https://github.comdraeger-lab/SBSCL

Remove old javadocs

shalinshah1993 opened this issue · comments

From @shalinshah1993 on July 30, 2018 17:15

@draeger I think there is redundant old documentation https://github.com/shalinshah1993/SBSCL/tree/master/docs/javadoc which we should remove from the repo since maven automatically generates javadocs which we copy to docs/javadocs

Copied from original issue: shalinshah1993#62

From @draeger on July 30, 2018 18:50

Well, maybe this is not the case with SBSCL, but it could happen that some users need to stick with an earlier release of a software (for whatever reason, e.g., maybe they cannot update their operating system and hence not install a newer JVM, or there is some other dependency that would break when switching to a newer version of the library). We can remove the older JavaDocs, but keeping them doesn't cost us much and can be helpful to compare or work with older versions.

Okay then the older javadoc can be found in docs/javadocs by their version number while the latest documentation is here. This will be automatically updated by maven when changes are made to the build.

From @draeger on July 30, 2018 19:34

I just notice that the file overview.html seems not to be taken into account when generating the JavaDoc.