dputhier / libgtftk

gtftk C Library and program

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

get_sequences Segmentation fault

dputhier opened this issue · comments

Observed a segfault here. I need to have a look.

            >>> from gtftk.utils import get_example_file
            >>> from gtftk.gtf_interface import GTF
            >>> a_file = get_example_file("simple", "gtf")[0]
            >>> a_gtf = GTF(a_file)
            >>> genome_fa = get_example_file("simple", "fa")[0]
            >>> a_fa = a_gtf.get_sequences(genome_fa)
            >>> assert len(a_fa) == 15
            >>> for i in a_fa: pass
            >>> assert i.header == '>G0010_NA_G0010T001_chr1:176-186_+_mRNA'
            >>> assert i.sequence == 'ccgaggcctta'

Segmentation fault: 11