dpritchard / frair

Tools for Functional Response Analysis

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Give credit to Royama (1971)

dpritchard opened this issue · comments

We need to give credit to Royama (1971) for first putting forward the "Roger family" of equations.

Royama, T. 1971. A comparative study of models for predation and parasitism. Researches on Population Ecology. 13:1–91.

It's probably not a good idea to rename the functions now, but we should update relevant help pages.

Thanks to Björn Rall for the suggestion.

As an aside, the introduction paragraph from Royama (1971) communicates a great sentiment, relevant to FRAIR:

Elton (1935), in his review of the works of the great biomathematician, the late Alfred J. Lotka, wrote:

"When Lotka published his first notes on this subject in 1920, animal ecology had entered on a new phase, though we are probably only now beginning to see the importance of it." However, "like most mathematicians, he takes the hopeful biologist to the edge of a pond, points out that a good swim will help his work, and then pushes him in and leaves him to drown."