dpriskorn / LexUtils

Collection of utilities to work semi-automatically on lexemes in Wikidata

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Support older riksdagen transcripts also and include speakers if possible in the reference

dpriskorn opened this issue · comments

From welfare-state-analytics/riksdagen-corpus#103

In Wikidata we also have a project for Lexicographical data --> we store a lexem like foliehatt = Lexeme:L54865 and have usage examples it would be very interesting if we easy could reference a word usage in your corpus see eg. Lexeme:L54865#P5831 were I referenced data.riksdagen.se/dokument/H80939 but would be much more interesting to use your corpus, unique identifiers and point to a specific location in the corpus.... also start gathering when foliehatt was first used in the Swedish Parlament would be interesting.... @dpriskorn has written a tool dpriskorn/LexUtils to easily find usage examples maybe that tool could use your corpus?