dprint / dprint

Pluggable and configurable code formatting platform written in Rust.

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Enhancement: Allow process plugins to be specified as non-zips

bradzacher opened this issue · comments

As we chatted about over email last week - I'm looking into building process plugins for some of our various formatters internally at Canva.

Looking into the dprint source code - it looks like it always expects that the plugin.json points at a zip file for the plugin.

Given we have a monorepo I should have all the necessary binaries available in a nearby path (eg a built .jar) or as global binaries (eg node with a local .js file for the plugin). Whilst I could definitely setup a build process to zip up the plugin - it seems like a round-about way of doing things given dprint is just going to unzip it into its local cache outside the monorepo.

I'd love it if I could just directly point the plugin.json's reference at a disk path instead.