dperson / samba

Samba docker container

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Signal 11 / panic errors (Docker, Portainer)

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Everything appears to be working fine, but the logs show the following errors over and over, every few seconds:

INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 54 (4.12.2)
If you are running a recent Samba version, and if you think this problem is not yet fixed in the latest versions, please consider reporting this bug, see https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Bug_Reporting
PANIC (pid 54): internal error
unable to produce a stack trace on this platform
coredump is handled by helper binary specified at /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

I'm running this as a Portainer stack with the following docker compose:

version: '3.4'

    image: dperson/samba
    container_name: samba
      TZ: 'EST5EDT'
      - default
      - "137:137/udp"
      - "138:138/udp"
      - "139:139/tcp"
      - "445:445/tcp"
    read_only: true
      - /tmp
    restart: unless-stopped
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - /storage/media/tv:/tv:z
      - /storage/media/movies:/movies:z
    command: '-s "TV;/tv;yes;no;no;[redacted]" -s "Movies;/movies;yes;no;no;[redacted]" -u "[redacted];[redacted]" -p'

I mean it's working so I'm not super concerned except that it seems like something that shouldn't be happening. Any thoughts?

Actually...might have found the problem. The example docker compose file here lists network: default twice, once in the 'samba' block and once at the very end of the file. I don't know enough about Docker to say if that's necessary, but removing the second mention of network seems to have resolved the issue.


I fixed this in my fork https://github.com/morremeyer/samba which I intend to maintain as I use the image myself.

Caveat: I removed functionality that I don't want to maintain, namely multi-arch (it's x86 only) and the docker-compose file.

Same error here