dpanayotov / products-sample

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a complex sample containing the following aspects:

  • hdbdd - defines the model with associations
  • hdbsequence - auto increment primary key for Item entity
  • hdbti - predefined content
  • hdbtablefunction - purchased items by current customer of specified item type
  • analyticprivilege - protects a calculationview by checking Username to be the current user
  • calculationview
    • one general purpose for everyone (total items ordered of item type)
    • one based on the hdbtablefunction
    • one protected by an analyticprivilege to return the total ordered items
  • xsodata - exposes some of the entities, has event handlers and navigation
  • xsjs services
    • one for creating and retrieving complete orders with items
    • one querying a calculationview
  • protected resources secured with application privileges
    • xsprivileges - defines two application privileges
    • xsaccess - restricts access to Administrators
    • xsjs - simple service to check access
    • xsodata - exposing one calculation view
  • xsjob - regularly loads data from a specified destination
  • webapp - UI5 user interface
  • PRODUCTS_DU.tgz - DU exported from HANA 2 containing the original XS Classic code

Deployment guide

  1. Follow the deployment guide for XSK on Kyma
    1. Use the provided xs-security.json which includes an additional role collection
  2. Create a SAP BTP Destination service instance and bind it to XSK with prefix destination_


  1. Grant the analytic privilege (samples/products/views/items_ordered_total_ap.analyticprivilege) to the HANA Cloud user for XSK
  2. Modify/Create record in samples/products/data/Products_Customers.csv where Username is your username used to login to XSK
  3. Assign yourself the XSKProductsAdmin role from SAP BTP Cockpit
  4. Create a destination in SAP BTP Cockpit by importing the file products.properties



Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:HTML 4.4%