dpa99c / cordova-check-plugins

A CLI tool to check for / manage plugin updates in Cordova/Phonegap projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instead of just removing version when using unconstrain-version the id is blanked

ThorvaldAagaard opened this issue · comments

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Bug report

Everything after first @ is stripped to remove version, that conflict with plugins, where @ is included in the id

Current behavior:

Using plugin
"@mauron85/cordova-plugin-background-geolocation": "^3.0.3",

cordova-check-plugins fails when this code is executed

var idToCheck = unconstrainVersions ? source.id.replace(/(@([^~]?).*)$/, '') : source.id;

as idToCheck now is blank

Check for version fails

Changing the regex to @([^@]+)$ that takes the last @ solves the problem