doums / coBra

[co]erced [bra]cket, a simple vim plugin that forces brackets and quotes to be smart

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🐍 for [co]erced [bra]cket

A simple vim plugin that forces brackets and quotes to be smart.

Status update

Hi, I will no longer continue to maintain this plugin as I moved to nvim plus now I write my plugins in Lua. (Actually, I had planned to rewrite it completely in lua and using Treesitter requests, we'll see.)


If you use a plugin manager, follow the traditional way.

For example with vim-plug add this in .vimrc:

Plug 'doums/coBra'

Then run in vim:

:source $MYVIMRC

If you use vim package :h packages.


| = cursor or bounds of the selection in visual mode
* = a random character
n = end of line

mode before map after
close insert | [ [|]
delete insert [|] <BS> |
skip insert [|] ] [ ]|
break insert [|] <CR> [n|n]
wrap visual |****| <Leader>[ [|****|]
replace visual |[****]| <Leader>( (|****|)
skip on quotes visual |"****"| <Leader>" "|****|"

note: All maps works on multi lines. The presence of characters between the brackets or the quotes does not prevent maps from working.


coBra runs in insert and visual modes only, default pairs are "'`{([.

coBra works by buffer and more precisely by file type. Be sure to have the filetype option on (you can check it with :filetype, and look for detection:ON). This way coBra uses the corresponding set of pairs if available (defined with g:coBraPairs). If not, he falls back to the default setting.

coBra maps for insert mode <BS>, <CR> and the two characters of each pair.
For visual mode one map for each opener characters prefixed by <Leader> is created.
He expects that no mapping for these keys already exists. If not, the concerned mapping will fail.

All settings are optional.

To customize the pairs use g:coBraPairs, if the open character is the same as the close character the pair is considered as quotes (different behavior on some situation compared to brackets). You have to enter a set of pairs by file type. Of course you can customize the default set too.

let g:coBraPairs = {
  \  'default': [
  \    ['"', '"'],
  \    ["'", "'"],
  \  ],
  \  'rust': [
  \    ['"', '"'],
  \    ['<', '>'],
  \    ['{', '}'],
  \    ['(', ')'],
  \    ['[', ']']
  \  ]
  \ }

Preformance is king when we type. For that reason you can set g:coBraMaxPendingCloseTry to a scpecific value between 0 and maxfuncdepth, default 10. When you type an openning bracket, before inserting and auto closing it the script looks recursively for a "pending" close bracket that does not have a matching open one. If it find one the script simply inserts the open bracket without auto closing it to complete the pair. g:coBraMaxPendingCloseTry limits the number of try of this logic.

let g:coBraMaxPendingCloseTry = 10

By default, and for the sake of performance, coBra takes into account only the visible lines from the current window. With this option you can configure coBra to run on the entire file.

let g:coBraFullBuffer

Like g:coBraFullBuffer but instead of the whole file, you can set a range of lines (starting from the cursor position, forward and backward).

let g:coBraLineMax = 10


Mozilla Public License 2.0


[co]erced [bra]cket, a simple vim plugin that forces brackets and quotes to be smart


Language:Vim Script 100.0%