doujiang24 / lua-resty-kafka

Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The timestamp of kafka is -1

junchuLF opened this issue · comments

lua_resty_kafka Version is 0.22 .
api_version = 2
The message timestamp received by Kafka is -1


in producer.lua in line 32 i've remove "not"

when it's
if self.api_version then
version = self.api_version.

now it take api_version parama from produer init, and using message format with timestamp. not sure of other unctionality in this case

@doujiang24 Hi, I fixed a same issue in #160, but a new version needs to be released.

@junchuLF could you please try the 0.23 release? thanks~