dotnet / sdk-container-builds

Libraries and build tooling to create container images from .NET projects using MSBuild

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User defined in base container image overriden for root

ggirard07 opened this issue · comments

I have a dotnet 6 project published from a base image configured to create and use a non-root user (while waiting for dotnet 8).
It looks like the layer created by the sdk publish command also reset the USER back to root instead of whatever is defined in base image.
My understanding from current doc is that it should not do so (as my project targets dotnet 6).

Hi @ggirard07 - do you have a sample that I could take a look at to see what's going on? Or a sample repro I could build myself?

Thanks, I'll take a look now!

Ok, good news! I think in 8.0.100 RC1 this is fixed. I'm running an RC1 nightly and when I run your instructions from that repo I get non-root user ids (note that the tag used is latest in RC1, not 1.0.0):

>dotnet publish .\ImageKeepRoot\ImageKeepRoot.csproj --configuration Release --os linux --arch x64 --property:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer -bl
MSBuild version 17.7.0+5785ed5c2 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored D:\Code\Scratch\dotnet_sdk-container-builds_496\ImageKeepRoot\ImageKeepRoot.csproj (in 3.57 sec).
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.100-rc.1.23417.5\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.RuntimeIdentifierInferenc
e.targets(311,5): message NETSDK1057: You are using a preview version of .NET. See:
y [D:\Code\Scratch\dotnet_sdk-container-builds_496\ImageKeepRoot\ImageKeepRoot.csproj]
  ImageKeepRoot -> D:\Code\Scratch\dotnet_sdk-container-builds_496\ImageKeepRoot\bin\Release\net6.0\linux-x64\ImageKeep
  ImageKeepRoot -> D:\Code\Scratch\dotnet_sdk-container-builds_496\ImageKeepRoot\bin\Release\net6.0\linux-x64\publish\
  Building image 'imageshouldnotberoot-latest' with tags latest on top of base image localhost:5000/mybaseimage:latest
  Pushed image 'imageshouldnotberoot-latest:latest' to local registry
> docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash imageshouldnotberoot-latest:latest
app@ab41fbb7d034:/app$ id
uid=1654(app) gid=1654(app) groups=1654(app)

This was fixed by dotnet/sdk#32594.

Closing as we fixed this for RC2.