dotnet / msbuild

The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio.

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[Bug]: Artifacts are placed in directory of lowest `Directory.Build.props` if more than one is present

just-ero opened this issue · comments


Issue Description

I import ./Directory.Build.props into ./src/Directory.Build.props. In ./Directory.Build.props, I set ArtifactsOutputPath to $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\artifacts. This causes a ./src/artifacts directory to be used for the artifacts of the projects in ./src. I don't want this, I want all artifacts to be placed in ./artifacts.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create or open any project.
  2. Create or open ./Directory.Build.props, add the following to it:
  3. Create or open ./src/Directory.Build.props, add the following to it:
      <Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove('$(MSBuildThisFile)', '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..'))" />
  4. Build any project in ./src/*.
  5. Observe ./src/artifacts being used for the build results.

Expected Behavior

Artifacts are placed in ./artifacts.

Actual Behavior

Artifacts are placed in ./src/artifacts.


No response

Versions & Configurations

dotnet --version: 8.0.204


It's ArtifactsPath. That's embarrassing.