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Questions around Contributing to the Repo

Bartleby2718 opened this issue · comments

I just encountered the same bug as in #2125. Given that VS is able to fix it, I don't think it's a Roslyn issue. I'd like to reproduce this by adding a test to this solution and hopefully fix it, but I'm having trouble setting this repo up locally.

The first thing I had to fix after cloning the repo locally was updating global.json to match my local .NET SDK version. The second thing was not being able to find Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk, which I think will be fixed by following Apparently I haven't spent too much time on this yet, but these issues make me wonder if there's any documentation on local dev setup.

Hence my questions:

  1. Do you have any documentation on local dev setup?
  2. Is there a list of issues that should be prioritized?
  3. How do you deploy/publish the changes? Is it automatically published upon merge to main?
  4. Are there any notes for contributors besides the Code of Conduct? For example, should the destination branch be main or some other release branch?

Thanks in advance!

Some things I've done after posting:

At this point I think I was able to run tests, although one of them was failing.