dotnet / format

Home for the dotnet-format command

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please clarify if this tool is actively supported / worked on

riverar opened this issue · comments


We’re currently modernizing our extensive code-base and are eager to utilize dotnet format. However, we’ve encountered some unexpected behavior with the tool from the get-go (for instance, #2086) and are trying to determine if there will be any forthcoming fixes that would facilitate our continued use of the tool. Given that the number of repository issues is already approaching 200, with some dating back to 2019, we’re beginning to perceive this tool as more of a side project rather than something that’s ready for production use or in the main "dotnet dev loop" so to speak.

Clarification of the intentions regarding the GitHub repository will greatly assist us in planning our future development efforts. Thanks in advance!

cc: @shanselman

Thanks for bringing this up. We are a bit short staffed and fixes to dotnet format has been slowed down, but we should be able to catch up towards the back end of net8 previews.

#2086 in particular looks immediately actionable and assigned to @sharwell for investigation.