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--binarylog option broken

sbomer opened this issue · comments

--binarylog no longer seems to work. I bisected dotnet-format, and it was broken by f58bc29.

This related issue is mentioned: dotnet/roslyn#70674.
According to dotnet/roslyn#71950 (comment), broken by dotnet/roslyn#70469 as part of an intentional change to the API.

Let me start by saying that a fix is planned for this break in behavior. Although, depending on how it is resolved in Roslyn, there may be a change in how it is used in dotnet-format.

However, since binary logs are a pretty big hammer, I think it is good to touch base and ensure we are providing the right feature here. These questions are open to anyone using the --binarylog option.

How are you using the generated log?
What information is it providing for you?
What questions are you answering with it?

The use case I had was this: @LakshanF and I were developing with some locally-built analyzers, and we wanted to make sure that dotnet format was picking up the right analyzer dlls by checking the binlog.