dotnet / format

Home for the dotnet-format command

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Confused - "£" converted to "�"

dazinator opened this issue · comments

My CI build just ran a dotnet format on my code (luckily PR branch) and pushed up the changes.

One of the files it corrected orignally had this c# code

 _mocked.Setup(x => x.GetCurrenciesAsync(It.IsAny<string[]>(), default))
                         .Returns(Task.FromResult<IList<CurrencyDto>>(new List<CurrencyDto>()
                            { new CurrencyDto(){ Id= 1, IsBase = true, IsUnit = true, Symbol = "£", Code = validCurrencyCode , Name= validCurrencyCode} }

The formatted version, the £ symbol has been changed to "�":

 _mocked.Setup(x => x.GetCurrenciesAsync(It.IsAny<string[]>(), default))
                         .Returns(Task.FromResult<IList<CurrencyDto>>(new List<CurrencyDto>()
                            { new CurrencyDto(){ Id= 1, IsBase = true, IsUnit = true, Symbol = "", Code = validCurrencyCode , Name= validCurrencyCode} }

dotnet format is run during our azure devops build pipeline, its run on an ubuntu docker container

here is header info

Starting: dotnet format
Task         : .NET Core
Description  : Build, test, package, or publish a dotnet application, or run a custom dotnet command
Version      : 2.221.0
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
Info: .NET Core SDK/runtime 2.2 and 3.0 are now End of Life(EOL) and have been removed from all hosted agents. If you're using these SDK/runtimes on hosted agents, kindly upgrade to newer versions which are not EOL, or else use UseDotNet task to install the required version.
/azp/_work/_tool/dotnet/dotnet format --no-restore --verbosity diagnostic
  The dotnet runtime version is '6.0.6'.
  The dotnet CLI version is '6.0.301'.
  Using MSBuild.exe located in '/azp/_work/_tool/dotnet/sdk/6.0.301/'.
  Formatting code files in workspace '/azp/_work/1/s/src/foo.sln'.

Can you verify that the source files in the repository are encoded as UTF-8 with byte order mark? This is the default encoding for C# files and is used to prevent this issue from occurring.