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[TagProvider] doesn't work on IEnumerable properties

xakep139 opened this issue · comments


Currently the [TagProvider] isn't applied if a property of IEnumerable was annotated with it.
It seems that the IEnumerable logic takes precedence (but the [TagProvider] validation logic is still applied).

Reproduction Steps


using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(x => x.AddJsonConsole(o => o.JsonWriterOptions = new() { Indented = true }));
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();
var valueToLog = new MyType
    FancyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, ISet<string>>
        ["key1"] = new HashSet<string> { "value1", "value2" },
        ["key2"] = new HashSet<string> { "value3", "value4" },

Log.LogData(logger, valueToLog);

static partial class Log
    [LoggerMessage(Level = LogLevel.Information)]
    public static partial void LogData(ILogger logger, [LogProperties] MyType obj);

public class MyType
    [TagProvider(typeof(MyType), nameof(ProvideTags))]
    public required IDictionary<string, ISet<string>> FancyDictionary { get; init; }

    public static void ProvideTags(ITagCollector tagCollector, IDictionary<string, ISet<string>> value)
        foreach (var (key, values) in value)
            tagCollector.Add(key, string.Join(',', values));

.csproj file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console" Version="8.0.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Telemetry.Abstractions" Version="8.1.0" />


Expected behavior

The tag provider is called

Actual behavior

Here's what I see in the console:

  "EventId": 0,
  "LogLevel": "Information",
  "Category": "Program",
  "Message": "",
  "State": {
    "Message": "obj.FancyDictionary={\u0022key1\u0022=\u0022System.Collections.Generic.HashSet\u00601[System.String]\u0022,\u0022key2\u0022=\u0022System.Collections.Generic.HashSet\u00601[System.String]\u0022}",
    "obj.FancyDictionary": "{\u0022key1\u0022=\u0022System.Collections.Generic.HashSet\u00601[System.String]\u0022,\u0022key2\u0022=\u0022System.Collections.Generic.HashSet\u00601[System.String]\u0022}"



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