dotnet / dotnet-ci

Repository containing scripting for the dotnet-ci Jenkins instance.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mergeability status not always up to date, CI may build older detached ref

mmitche opened this issue · comments

If a PR had merge conflicts or if GH was slow in updating mergeability status, the system may determine that a PR is not mergeable. In this case, it will build a detached head instead of the PR merge branch. This is the correct behavior. However, once mergeability is fixed, this should switch over to using the merge branch again.

This should be fixed by jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin#365. However this is not rolled out

In the meantime, it's possible to workaround this issue by fetching and merging the upstream target branch yourself, then pushing that new ref.