dotnet / corefx-tools

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perfview System.FormatException when viewing CPU stacks section in perfview collected from Kubernetes POD

paraspatidar opened this issue · comments

I am running dotnet core (2.2.2) process on K8 pod with elevated rights and could do a perf collect without any issue and trace is created as well as CPU stack ( is created.

However , when coping to windows and opening the CPU stack , it fails with exception :

System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format

this happens when we do
`sudo ./perfcollect collect sample'

however if we pass on the process id (-pid param) , then CPU traces doesnt gather at all as mentioned in another issue :

this format issue was said to be fixed in microsoft/perfview#166
but i am using perfview 2.0.26 and facing this issue.
here is sample trace :

cc @vancem

Vance, should we move this issue to the PerfView repo?

Yes, go head and do that.

This is being fixed by microsoft/perfview#890

I am closing this as the fix has been checked into the PerfView repo. Note that a release with that fix has not yet happened (but you can build PerfView yourself if desired).