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Expose a `TypedResults` method to push a partial response

ranma42 opened this issue · comments

Background and Motivation

In a project I am developing I have the need to accept ranged requests and provide the client with partial responses (206).
The data for these responses is managed in a chunk-based store which is somewhat awkward to wrap in a Stream.
For full responses, the PushStreamHttpResult is ideal, but it currently does not support partial requests.
It is quite straightforward to implement an IResult that does what I need, but it looks like I would need to re-implement HttpResultsHelper.WriteResultAsFileCore as it is an internal method.

Proposed API

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

public static class TypedResults
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Allows writing directly to the response body.
+    /// <para>
+    /// This supports range requests (<see cref="StatusCodes.Status206PartialContent"/> or
+    /// <see cref="StatusCodes.Status416RangeNotSatisfiable"/> if the range is not satisfiable).
+    /// </para>
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="callback">The callback that allows users to write directly to the HTTP response.</param>
+    /// <param name="fileLength">The total length of the file.</param>
+    /// <param name="contentType">The <c>Content-Type</c> of the response. Defaults to <c>application/octet-stream</c>.</param>
+    /// <param name="fileDownloadName">The the file name to be used in the <c>Content-Disposition</c> header.</param>
+    /// <param name="lastModified">The <see cref="DateTimeOffset"/> of when the file was last modified.
+    /// Used to configure the <c>Last-Modified</c> response header and perform conditional range requests.</param>
+    /// <param name="entityTag">The <see cref="EntityTagHeaderValue"/> to be configure the <c>ETag</c> response header
+    /// and perform conditional requests.</param>
+    /// <param name="enableRangeProcessing">Set to <c>true</c> to enable range requests processing.</param>
+    /// <returns>The created <see cref="PushStreamHttpResult"/> for the response.</returns>
+    public static PushStreamHttpResult Stream(
+        Func<RangeItemHeaderValue?, HttpContext, Task> callback,
+        long? fileLength = null,
+        string? contentType = null,
+        string? fileDownloadName = null,
+        DateTimeOffset? lastModified = null,
+        EntityTagHeaderValue? entityTag = null,
+        bool enableRangeProcessing = false);

Usage Examples

// respond with a stream representing the selected part of a resource
// this avoids moving around any useless data
app.MapGet("/example1/{key}", async (string key, IStore store) =>
        async (range, httpContext) => {
            using var stream = range is null
                ? await store.GetContent(key)
                : await store.GetPartialContent(key, range);

            await StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(stream, httpContext.Response.Body, count: null, bufferSize: 64 * 1024, cancel: httpContext.RequestAborted);
        fileLength: await store.GetSize(key)

// respond with chunks representing the selected part of a resource
// the chunks might be "wasting" (in this case they have a fixed size),
// but they might come from a local memory cache
app.MapGet("/example2/{key}", async (string key, IChunkStore store) => {
    var size = await store.GetSize(key);
    return TypedResults.Stream(
        async (range, httpContext) =>
            var chunkSize = store.GetChunkSize();
            var to = (range?.To + 1) ?? size;
            var start = range?.From ?? (size - to);
            var end = range?.From is null ? size : to;

            while (start < end)
                var chunk = await store.GetChunk(start / chunkSize);
                var slice = chunk.AsMemory().Slice(
                    (int)(start % chunkSize),
                    (int)Math.Min(chunkSize, end - start)
                await httpContext.Response.Body.WriteAsync(slice);
                start += slice.Length;
        fileLength: size,

Alternative Designs

The proposed API exposes the range information as RangeItemHeaderValue?.
There are several alternatives to represent the range; this type was proposed based on what is used internally/emitted by HttpResultsHelper.WriteResultAsFileCore.

The proposed API returns a PushStreamHttpResult, under the assumption that the same class can be used for both methods implementing responses-pushing-to-body.
This would involve changes to PushStreamHttpResult; another approach would be to write a separate IResult implementation in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResults.

As mentioned in the background, it is possible to develop an independent IResult implementation; this requires duplicating the functionality implemented in HttpResultsHelper.WriteResultAsFileCore.

Another option is to wrap this as a Stream and use the TypedResults.Stream(Stream stream, ...) overload, but this is inconvenient for two reasons:

  • this makes push-based operations harder to express (which I believe is the reason for the existence of TypedResults.Stream(Func<Stream, Task> stream, ...))
  • the async creation

See for an example of the stream hack.


The API should be an extension of the existing API and AFAICT involves no breaking change.

I have experimented locally with an implementation that extends PushStreamHttpResult; in order to reuse the same class, some minor changes are needed that should not result in performance regressions.
A straightforward implementation would simply replace the callback with a Func<RangeItemHeaderValue?, HttpContext, Task> and wrap the Func<Stream, Task> streamWriterCallback as (range, httpContext) => streamWriterCallback(httpContext.Response.Body).

I see that the range has probably been intentionally omitted. #39383 (comment) mentions that it could be implemented manually, but I did not find any straightforward way to do that (without re-implementing the whole range computation machinery). Maybe it would be an interesting example to add in the docs.