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source-building .NET 7 fails if nodejs is installed on the machine

omajid opened this issue · comments

Describe the Bug

I am trying to build .NET 7 (source-build) from the installer's main branch.

The build fails if nodejs is installed on my machine.

      $ node ../common/node_modules/webpack-cli/bin/cli.js

      Duplicate Sources / Packages - No duplicates found. 🚀

      asset signalr-protocol-msgpack.js 79.5 KiB [emitted] (name: signalr-protocol-msgpack) 1 related asset
      asset signalr-protocol-msgpack.min.js 28.1 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: signalr-protocol-msgpack.min) 1 related asset
      orphan modules 87.3 KiB [orphan] 20 modules
      runtime modules 1.31 KiB 6 modules
      built modules 75.9 KiB [built]
        ./src/browser-index.ts + 15 modules 75.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
          ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with external "signalR": umd externals can't be concatenated
        external "signalR" 42 bytes [built] [code generated]
          ModuleConcatenation bailout: umd externals can't be concatenated
      webpack 5.72.1 compiled successfully in 2625 ms
      $ node ../common/node_modules/terser/bin/terser -m -c --ecma 2019 --module --source-map "url='',content='./dist/browser/'" --comments -o ./dist/browser/signalr-protocol-msgpack.min.js ./dist/browser/signalr-protocol-msgpack.js
      Done in 11.44s.
      yarn version v1.22.10
      info Current version: 5.0.0-dev
      error Invalid version supplied.
      info Visit for documentation about this command.
    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/SignalR/clients/ts/signalr-protocol-msgpack/signalr-protocol-msgpack.npmproj]
    ##vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets;linenumber=105;columnnumber=5;code=MSB6006;](NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) "yarn" exited with code 1.
      yarn version v1.22.10
      info Current version: 5.0.0-dev
      error Invalid version supplied.
      info Visit for documentation about this command.
    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/SignalR/clients/ts/signalr/signalr.npmproj]
    ##vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets;linenumber=105;columnnumber=5;code=MSB6006;](NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) "yarn" exited with code 1.
      yarn version v1.22.10
      info Current version: 7.0.0-dev
      error Invalid version supplied.
      info Visit for documentation about this command.
    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/JSInterop/Microsoft.JSInterop.JS/src/Microsoft.JSInterop.JS.npmproj]                                                                                                                                                                            ##vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets;linenumber=105;columnnumber=5;code=MSB6006;](NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) "yarn" exited with code 1.

    Build FAILED.

    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/SignalR/clients/ts/signalr-protocol-msgpack/signalr-protocol-msgpack.npmproj]
    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/SignalR/clients/ts/signalr/signalr.npmproj]
    dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/eng/targets/Npm.Common.targets(105,5): error MSB6006: "yarn" exited with code 1. [dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/JSInterop/Microsoft.JSInterop.JS/src/Microsoft.JSInterop.JS.npmproj]
        0 Warning(s)
        3 Error(s)

It looks like there's some javascript code that deals with versions, and it sees a 7.0.0-dev version string and simply fails.

The build works fine if I uninstall nodejs.

I could not reproduce this error just building aspnetcore repo by itself.

Steps to Reproduce

Install nodejs, build .NET installer (source-build)

Inside a failing build, I can reproduce using:

$ cd /dotnet7.0/dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/src/src/SignalR/clients/ts/signalr
$ /dotnet7.0//dotnet-main-x64-bootstrap/src/aspnetcore/artifacts/source-build/self/package-cache/yarn.msbuild/1.22.10/dist/bin/yarn version --no-git-tag-version --new-version
yarn version v1.22.10
info Current version: 5.0.0-dev
error Invalid version supplied.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
$ grep version package.json 
  "version": "5.0.0-dev",
    "prepack": "node ../build/embed-version.js",

Other Information

@dotnet/aspnet-build can you please help triage/route this?

I'm not sure of the best way to handle this nor now widespread a problem it's likely to be. It seems like the main issue relates to our npm versions rather than the installed nodejs version but I'm not sure. @javiercn and @SteveSandersonMS may have useful opinions here.

@omajid what's happening here is Npm.Common.targets updates packages.json files to use versions aligned w/ the current build. This works for me locally but I have node installed locally at v16.15.0 and yarn at v1.22.19. The second one might be the problem for you.

Separately, if you uninstall nodejs, the build automatically disables *.npmproj builds. Npm.Common.targets doesn't hit any problems when it's not used😁

This works

I mean building 7.0.0-dev packages works. Something in yarn (older Yarn) or its supporting packages might be fine w/ e.g. 7.0.0-preview.5.22303.8 packages but not that.

The thing that confuses me is that on the same machine, I can't build aspnetcore via source-build but I can build it standalone. The nodejs version on my machine is the same for both builds.

@SteveSandersonMS @javiercn do you know anything about why this may be happening?

@wtgodbe very likely node is installed on the machine but yarn is not.

npm install --global yarn@1.22.19 should do the trick.

@omajid did Javier's suggestion fix your issue?

Hi @omajid. We have added the "Needs: Author Feedback" label to this issue, which indicates that we have an open question for you before we can take further action. This issue will be closed automatically in 7 days if we do not hear back from you by then - please feel free to re-open it if you come back to this issue after that time.

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