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ResolveComReference not supported on the .NET Core version of MSBuild

cdecinkoKnight opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Unable to build project in Docker container due to following error:
The task "ResolveComReference" is not supported on the .NET Core version of MSBuild.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

To Reproduce
Project/solution builds fine locally in Visual Studio. But when deployed to our Docker container in OpenShift, we get the error above.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
see above

Observed behavior
Project does not build.

Expected behavior
We would expect to see the solution build without errors.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Office version n/a
  • .NET Target: 6
  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml Version: 3.0.0

Additional context

@cdecinkoKnight we need more details - do you have a repro project? As it is, there is no way to know if the issue is even with this project