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Minor updates for .NET Microservices eBook to v2.1.02

CESARDELATORRE opened this issue · comments

Minor updates for .NET Microservices eBook to v2.1.02:

  • Minor updates in versions and code snippets related to .NET Core 2.1 and latest Docker versions.
  • Updated info for Orchestrators in Azure:
    • AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) with Helm deployment
    • Azure Dev Spaces
    • Azure Service Fabric Mesh

New version available in the same URL:


  • AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) with Helm deployment is currently supported by eShopOnContainers

  • Note that 'Service Fabric Mesh' is still in Preview and it is still not supported by eShopOnContainers due to several issues that we expect to solve in the near future.

  • Note that 'Azure Dev Spaces' is still in Preview and it is still not supported by eShopOnContainers due to several issues that we expect to solve in the near future.