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2nd Edition of "Modernizing with Windows Containers" eBook available now for eReader format (.EPUB and .MOBI)

CESARDELATORRE opened this issue · comments

This is the same version than the one published as a .PDF, but now the eReader formats (.EPUB and .MOBI) are updated to the same version/edition.

.MOBI download (Kindle) - 2nd Edition:

.EPUB download (Other eReaders) - 2nd Edition:


New updates in this edition are:

  • Consolidation of N-Tier scenario (WCF service and WinForms client app) using Windows Containers
  • Deployment scenario on Azure Container Instances
  • Positioning upcoming support of Windows Containers in "Azure App Service with Windows Containers" (Private Preview) and Azure Service Fabric Mesh (Private Preview)

And analysis of possible deployment environments and when to use each:
