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Modernized N-Tier sample WCF+WinForms with Windows Containers is consolidated into eShopModernizing GitHub repo

CESARDELATORRE opened this issue · comments

We have consolidated and set the "Modernized N-Tier sample WCF+WinForms with Windows Containers" and into eShopModernizing GitHub repo, including its walkthroughs in the Wiki.

Therefore, the eShopModernizing GitHub repo targets the following scenarios, all of them documented at the Wiki:

  • Type of apps/services to modernize:

    • ASP.NET MVC app
    • ASP.NET Web Forms app
    • WCF service
  • Azure environments to deploy the Windows Containers:

    • Local Windows 10 with Visual Studio and Docker for Windows
    • Azure VM (Windows Server 2016 with Windows Containers)
    • Azure Container Instances (ACI)
    • Service Fabric
    • Azure Container Service (ACS)
    • (*) Plus additional environments to be added by //BUILD 2018! 👍