dosyago / DownloadNet

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Confused about name of this project

mhucka opened this issue · comments

The name of the repository, and the name in the repo description, is "DownloadNet". However, the README uses the name "DiskerNet". What is the correct name?


Hello sir @mhucka thank you for bringing this to our attention! We will get right on it and correct it immediately.

The name used to be DiskerNet, but I changed it to DownloadNet. Do you have a preference?

DiskerNet, I suppose, is more unique. And I like the image of the floppy disk - 'early' computers of my youth you see! Haha :)

DownloadNet is more 'accurate' I guess. Alternately, there's probably a better name. What ideas do you have, sir? :)

For now I've updated to DownloadNet, but I want to consider any ideas you have in future! :)