dora-team / fourkeys

Platform for monitoring the four key software delivery metrics of software delivery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not able to see real data in Graphana dashboard

premchavhan99 opened this issue · comments

I have deployed this four keys with terraform and also added the mock data, I can see mock data in Graphana dashboard but not real data which is coming from Github and Circleci, the related tables like "changes" have new entries for commits, but deployments and incidents doesnt have that, even after creating multiple issue on github nothing gets added to incidents table, but events raw table have those entries.

I am able to see mock data in tables and in dashboard but facing issues with data coming from Github and Circle ci because it is not getting added to respective tables (deployments, incident) , I'm getting data in changes table which is related to push, all the other data is going to events_raw but doesn't get further processed

Try checking your pub/sub if you still have a subscription. This could be a problem, it could disappear due to inactivity.
But this problem has been corrected in the latest version of the master.

@fbtravi I have checked, I don't think its the issue with pub/sub, as I am getting data in changes table but nothing in deployments and incidents table, and finally no graphs in Graphana dashboard

Hi @fbtravi , My collegue was able to find the issue, which is in deployments.sql file: WHERE (source = "circleci" AND event_type = "workflow-completed" AND JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(metadata, '$') LIKE "%deploy%" AND JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(metadata, '$.workflow.status') = "success"), why we are using LIKE "%deploy%" here?

Hi @premchavhan99,

I'm new to using this project so I don't know how to respond with 100% accuracy. But from what I understand of this dash, the idea is to show deploy events so this 'like' makes perfect sense

Hi @premchavhan99 . You've seen that we have other SQL queries here, maybe it's just the case of making the panels in Grafana.

I say this because I'm studying to create more panels too, but focusing on delpoy now and I use gitlab.

Anyway Thanks @fbtravi for the help