Dor-sketch / CBits

A collection of C functions designed for bit manipulation and analysis.

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๐Ÿ”ข Embedded C Concepts

This repository contains a diverse collection of C functions, focusing on bit manipulation, memory manipulation, and a special feature on inter-process communication (IPC) using UNIX pipes in the xv6 environment.

๐Ÿ’พ Custom malloc & free Implementation


The mymalloc.c program is a result of my self-study following a failed interview question. It includes a custom implementation of the malloc and free functions in C, encapsulated within mymalloc and myfree wrapper functions. These functions are uniquely designed to allocate and free memory addresses aligned to specific hexadecimal increments (0x20, 0x40, 0x60, 0x80, 0xA0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x00), or in other words, multiples of 32 bytes.

Update: The program now includes an ALIGNED_BYTES macro, which can be used to change the alignment of the allocated memory. The program supports up to 255 bytes alignment, which fits in a single byte offset.

The offset from the original to the aligned address is stored in the byte immediately preceding the address returned by mymalloc.

This project was an insightful journey into pointers and memory allocation in C, spurred by my experience in an interview setting.

Memory allocation comparison between malloc and mymalloc

Comparing malloc and mymalloc

To see an example based on 20 random size allocations, run the following command:

gcc -Wall -Wextra mymalloc.c -o mymalloc && ./mymalloc

to check for memory leaks, or compile it for 32-bit architecture to see the difference in memory addresses. Note that valgrind works with the 64-bit version.

gcc -m32 -o mymalloc mymalloc.c && ./mymalloc
gcc -o mymalloc mymalloc.c && valgrind ./mymalloc

Valgrind output

Key Takeaways

  1. Pointer Arithmetic and Type Size Awareness

    void *wrong_mymalloc1(size_t size) {
        unsigned long long *ptr = (unsigned long long *)malloc(size + ALIGNED_BYTES);
        unsigned char offset = ALIGNED_BYTES - ((uintptr_t)ptr % ALIGNED_BYTES);
        unsigned long long *ptr2 = ptr + offset; // + how many bytes?
        *(ptr2 - 1) = offset; // Is it the byte before ptr2?
        return (void *)ptr2;
    • โŒ Adding offset to ptr performs arithmetic on unsigned long long *, resulting in an addition of offset * sizeof(unsigned long long) bytes, which is incorrect.
    • โœ… Perform byte-wise pointer arithmetic by casting ptr to unsigned char *. Like unsigned char *ptr2 = (unsigned char *)ptr + offset;

  1. Using Operators such as & and % with Pointers:

    void *wrong_mymalloc2(size_t size) {
        unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)malloc(size + ALIGNED_BYTES);
        unsigned char offset = ALIGNED_BYTES - (&(*ptr) % ALIGNED_BYTES);
        unsigned char *ptr2 = ptr + offset;
        *(ptr2 - 1) = offset;
        return (void *)ptr2;
    • โŒ The expression &(*ptr) is unnecessary and incorrect.
    • โŒ The code incorrectly attempts to perform modulus operation on a pointer type, which is invalid in C. Instead, the pointer should first be cast to an appropriate integer type, like uintptr_t, before applying the modulus operation.
    • โœ… The correct approach is to simply use ptr without additional dereferencing and address-of operations.
    • โœ… The corrected line should be: unsigned char offset = ALIGNED_BYTES - ((uintptr_t)ptr % ALIGNED_BYTES);. Additionally, there is no need for the address-of operator & with ptr, as it's already a pointer.

  1. Casting when Working with (void *) Pointers:

    void *wrong_mymalloc3(size_t size) {
        char *ptr = (char *)malloc(size + ALIGNED_BYTES);
        char offset = ALIGNED_BYTES - ((uintptr_t)ptr % ALIGNED_BYTES);
        void *ptr2 = (void *)(ptr + offset);
        *((char *)ptr2 - 1) = offset;
        return ptr2;
    • โŒ The cast (char *)ptr = (char *)malloc(...) is syntactically incorrect. It should be char *ptr = (char *)malloc(...). Additionally, arithmetic on (void *) pointers is not allowed in C.
    • โœ… Cast ptr to char * before performing arithmetic.

  1. More Points on Pointers

    • โœ… Always perform proper pointer initialization: Avoid omitting the initialization of ptr2 before dereferencing it. This could lead to undefined behavior, as the pointer could point to an arbitrary memory address.
    • โœ… Check for malloc Failure: Always check for malloc failure before proceeding with the allocation. This can be done by checking if ptr is NULL after the allocation.
    • โœ… Avoid Dereferencing Uninitialized Pointer: Avoid dereferencing ptr before it has been correctly assigned, leading to undefined behavior. The line ptr2[-1] = offset; is executed when ptr2 is still NULL, which could likely cause a segmentation fault.
    • โœ… Avoid Sign Overflow: Be cautious if char is a signed type on some machines, which could cause an overflow when dealing with offset values greater than 127.

๐Ÿงฌ Basice Implementation of Inheritance and Polymorphism in C


File oop.c includes a simple implementation of OOP concepts in C. The design is inspired by the C++ implementation of OOP, which uses structs and function pointers to achieve polymorphism.

Output of the OOP program


๐Ÿงฌ Inheritance

  • Structs such as Dog, Cat, and Labrador are defined as extensions of the Animal struct, representing classical inheritance. This is achieved by embedding an Animal struct within each of them, allowing them to be treated polymorphically.

๐ŸŽญ Polymorphism

  • Polymorphism is implemented via a virtual table (vtable) mechanism. Each struct has a pointer (vptr) to its corresponding vtable, which contains function pointers for different behaviors.

  • The vtable allows objects of different types to exhibit unique behaviors, despite sharing the same base interface.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Encapsulation

  • Behaviors of the structs are encapsulated within function pointers in the vtable. This approach hides the implementation details from the user, providing a clean interface.

๐Ÿ“ž Uniform Function Calls

  • Wrapper functions like animal_speak provide a uniform way to invoke methods on any animal, abstracting away the complexity of direct vtable access.

๐Ÿ’พ Memory Management

  • Dynamic memory allocation is used for creating instances, mimicking the object construction in OOP languages.

๐Ÿ”€ Type Casting

  • Appropriate casting is performed when derived types are treated as base types, a necessary step due to C's lack of inherent polymorphism.

Structure Overview

  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ struct Animal: The base struct representing a generic animal.

  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ struct Dog/Cat/Labrador: Derived structs representing specific animals.

  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ struct VTable: A struct representing the vtable with function pointers for polymorphic behavior.

  • ๐Ÿ—๏ธ *_new functions: Functions for creating new instances of structs.


The main function in main.c demonstrates the creation of different animal types and the invocation of their behaviors.

gcc -o oop oop.c && ./oop

๐Ÿ“ Pipes PingPong Program


๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ File pingpong.c contains the PingPong program, a highlight of this repository, is an educational tool designed to demonstrate IPC using UNIX pipes in the xv6 environment. It allows two processes โ€“ a parent and a child โ€“ to communicate by "ping-ponging" a byte back and forth, providing a hands-on experience in process communication.


  • IPC Demonstration: Showcases pipes for process-to-process communication.

  • Performance Metrics: Outputs the performance of IPC in terms of exchanges per second.

  • Educational Tool: Perfect for teaching operating systems and process communication.

How It Works

๐Ÿ” The program creates two processes using fork(). Each process:

  1. Closes its standard input (STDIN) or standard output (STDOUT).

  2. Redirects STDIN or STDOUT to the ends of the pipes.

  3. Executes write and read operations to exchange a byte.

  4. Toggles the byte value at each exchange using XOR.

Getting Started


  • xv6 Operating System environment.

  • C compiler (like gcc) for xv6.

Compilation and Execution

Compile the program by adding pingpong.c to the xv6 source file, updating the Makefile, and then compiling xv6. Execute the program from userspace via the xv6 shell.


๐Ÿ“ˆ The program outputs the total number of exchanges, total time in ticks, and exchanges per second.

Output of the PingPong program

๐Ÿ”’ Multi-threaded Counter with POSIX Threads


๐Ÿ” This section of the repository contains a multi-threaded counter program implemented in C using POSIX threads (pthread). The program demonstrates the basic use of threads to perform concurrent operations on a shared resource with proper synchronization using mutexes.


  • Multi-threaded Execution: Utilizes two threads to perform concurrent increments on a shared counter.

  • Mutex Synchronization: Demonstrates the use of pthread_mutex_t to ensure safe access to the shared counter and prevent race conditions.

  • Error Handling: Includes basic error handling for mutex initialization.

How It Works

๐Ÿ” Each thread in the program runs a loop of 10 million iterations, incrementing the shared counter in each iteration. A mutex lock is used to synchronize access to the counter, ensuring thread-safe modification.

Getting Started


  • A C compiler with support for POSIX threads (like gcc).

  • POSIX-compliant operating system (Linux, UNIX, macOS).


To compile the program, navigate to the directory containing counter.c and run:

gcc -o counter counter.c -lpthread


Execute the compiled program using:



๐Ÿ“ˆ The program will output the start and end values of the counter, demonstrating the correct and synchronized incrementation by both threads:

Alt text


This program is designed as an educational tool to understand the basics of multi-threading and synchronization in C. It's well-suited for learning purposes and can be modified for more advanced multi-threading concepts.

๐Ÿงฎ Count Bits Program

File count_bits.c offers basice functions to count bits in C, including a lookup table and the n&(n-1) algorithm of Brian Kernighan, and an iterative approach. The program also includes several utility functions for printing bits and counting bits in different data types, and compare the performance of each approach by calculating time / cpu cycles for each function.

Count Bits Program

Lookup Table

The lookup table stores the number of 1 bits in a nibble (4 bits). This allows the program to count the number of 1 bits in a number by summing the number of 1 bits in each nibble.

The index of the lookup table is the nibble itself, and the value is the number of 1 bits in that nibble. For instance, the number of 1 bits in the nibble 0b1010 (10 in 10 base) is 2, which is stored in the lookup table at index 0b1010.

This approach is more efficient than counting the bits in each nibble individually, as it avoids the need for a loop. For even more efficiency, the lookup table can be extended to include the number of 1 bits in a byte (8 bits), or even a word (16 bits) ETC.

Full table of $n$ bits will require $2^{n}$ entries, which is $2^4$ entries for a nibble, or 16 entries. Even thogh, becuse the smallest data type in C is a byte (8 bits), the table will require 16 entries * 8 bits = 128 bits, which is 16 bytes.

A table for a word will require $2^{16}$ entries, which is 64KB without considering the data type. The size can be reduced by using a smaller data type for the table entries, such as uint8_t or uint16_t.

4 bit lookup table from 0 (right down) to 15 (left up)

Using n&(n-1) algorithm of Brian Kernighan

The second version of the program uses the algorithm of Brian Kernighan, which is based on the fact that n&(n-1) always clears the least significant bit of $n$.

For Example:

n 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
n - 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
n & (n - 1) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The algorithm works by counting the number of times n&(n-1) is performed until $n$ becomes 0. The number of times the operation is performed is the number of 1 bits in $n$.

Iterative Approach

The naive approach to counting the number of 1 bits in a number is to iterate over each bit and check if it's 1. This approach is inefficient, as it requires a loop and a conditional check for each bit.

Utils Functions

The program also includes several utility functions for printing bits and counting bits in different data types.

One of the most useful functions is printBits, which prints the binary representation of any data type. This function is useful for debugging and understanding the binary representation of different data types.

/* printBits: print the bits in any data type */
void printBits(void *ptr, size_t size) {
   unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)ptr;
   for (size_t i = size - 1; i != SIZE_MAX; i--) {
      for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {
       printf("%d", (bytes[i] >> j) & 1);
      putchar(' '); // print a space after each byte

The function takes a pointer to any data type and its size in bytes. It then cast the pointer to an unsigned char * to allow byte-level access. It then iterates over each byte, printing its bits from the most significant bit to the least significant bit.

The program also includes the following functions:

  • printRecursiveBits: Recursively prints binary representation of an integer.

  • printIntBits: Prints the bits of an int iteratively.

  • printBits: Prints binary representation of any data type.

  • getSizeInBits: Returns the size of a data type in bits.

  • count_odd_bits: Counts the number of 1 bits in odd positions.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Navigate to the desired function's directory.

  3. Compile using the included Makefile.

  4. Run the executable and follow the prompts.


count_bits example

Alt text

count_odd_bits example

Alt text

๐Ÿ‘พ Bitwise Examples Program

Alt text

File bitwise.c includes simple bitwise operations in C:

  • Bits Union: Represents a float in binary according to IEEE 754.

  • XORing: Swaps numbers using XOR.

  • Bit Shifting: Shifts a number left and right by 1 bit.

  • Bit Masking: Applies a mask to a number.

  • Bit Toggling: Toggles a specific bit in a number.

  • Bit Setting: Sets a specific bit in a number.

๐Ÿ“š License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


A collection of C functions designed for bit manipulation and analysis.

License:MIT License


Language:C 97.9%Language:Makefile 2.1%