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[@dopt/javascript] - how to initialize without React? "Create is not a function"

jeffreybiles opened this issue · comments

I have the following code. I had to guess at the import statement, since I couldn't find one not with React in the documentation.

import Dopt from '@dopt/javascript';


new Dopt({
  blocksAPIKey: blocksApiKey,
  userId: userApiKey,
  flowVersions: {
    'jeffrey-biles-example-flow': "uncommitted",

However, when I run it, I get the error "create is not a function"

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 1 24 48 PM

I'm using @dopt/javascript 3.3.0.

The non-simplified code is the following. We're using EmberJS.

import ENV from 'tnt-ui/config/environment';

const blocksApiKey = ENV.APP.DOPT_BLOCKS_KEY;
const userApiKey = ENV.APP.DOPT_USER_KEY;

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import Dopt from '@dopt/javascript';

export default class DoptService extends Service {
  @tracked dopt;

  constructor() {

    this.dopt = new Dopt({
      blocksAPIKey: blocksApiKey,
      userId: userApiKey,
      flowVersions: {
        'jeffrey-biles-example-flow': "uncommitted",

  get blocks() {
    return this.dopt.blocks;

Hey @jeffreybiles, a few pointers:

// this has to be imported like this -- we don't default export the provider
import { Dopt } from '@dopt/javascript';
export default class DoptService extends Service {
  @tracked dopt;

  constructor() {

    this.dopt = new Dopt({
      blocksAPIKey: blocksApiKey,

      // this should be a userId for some user which you've identified with Dopt
      // see:
      // we also have clients for doing this:

      userId: "USER_ID" ,

      flowVersions: {
        'jeffrey-biles-example-flow': "uncommitted",

  get blocks() {
    // this is a function not a getter, see:
    return this.dopt.blocks();

We test the JS SDK internally end-to-end in CI and are working on getting an example added to our website as we speak, sorry for the confusion!

The typedocs are generally helpful as a starting place:

Let me know if I can help with anything else

Thanks for the quick response.

I've updated the code as suggested, and using the documentation, but the error message is the exact same as before.

Here's the new code:

import ENV from 'tnt-ui/config/environment';

const blocksApiKey = ENV.APP.DOPT_BLOCKS_KEY;
const userApiKey = ENV.APP.DOPT_USER_KEY;

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { Dopt } from '@dopt/javascript';
import { DoptApiClient } from '@dopt/users-javascript-browser-client';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';

export default class DoptService extends Service {
  @tracked dopt;
  @tracked client;

  constructor() {


  get blocks() {
    return this.dopt?.blocks();

  *load() {
    this.client = new DoptApiClient({
      apiKey: userApiKey,

    const user = yield this.client.users.identifyUser({identifier: 'testing', properties: {}});

    this.dopt = new Dopt({
      blocksAPIKey: blocksApiKey,
      userId: user.identifier,
      flowVersions: {
        'jeffrey-biles-example-flow': 'uncommitted',

thanks for the fast reply!

one small change (unrelated to the breakage):

    this.dopt = new Dopt({
      // should be apiKey
      apiKey: blocksApiKey,
      userId: user.identifier,
      flowVersions: {
        'jeffrey-biles-example-flow': 'uncommitted',

we're separately investigating whether one of our dependencies (zustand) has an issue with esm transpilation: pmndrs/zustand#559 -- that's probably why we don't notice this issue internally

can you share your ember / bundler configuration?

one hypothesis we have: in our cjs.js file, we require zustand/vanilla and zustand/middleware which are exported by zustand in it's package.json:

it's feasible that your bundler doesn't capture these exports -- for example, webpack only solved this in v5 (webpack/webpack#9509)

We've specified "webpack": "^5.80.0" in our package.json. Our lockfile does include webpack 4 as well (I think an old Storybook dependency), but based on digging through the compiled source I believe it's webpack 5 that gets used.

Ember handles most of the bundling for us. Here's the relevant parts of the ember-cli-build.js file:

autoImport: {
  webpack: {
    module: {
      rules: [fileLoaderConfig],
    plugins: [
      new MomentLocalesPlugin({
        // 'en' is built into moment and cannot be removed. This strips the others.
        localesToKeep: [],

I also tried adding "zustand": "^4.4.1" to the package.json, but it didn't seem to change anything

Hey @jeffreybiles, thanks for the info about your configuration. I'm going to try to set up a reproduction of this issue locally now. I will update here as we learn more.

@jeffreybiles -- one last suggestion as we're getting a repro setup, could you try adding the following to your webpack config?

  resolve: {
    conditionNames: ['default'],

According to webpack, this is how you get webpack to understand the exports from a package.json:

Thanks for reproducing!

Adding the above code gives me this error

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 7 07 12 PM

Unfortunately, Ember sometimes makes its own rules in an attempt to make things easier, so things don't port over 1:1

I probably won't have time to work on this much in the next couple days due to shifting business priorities, but will be sure to check in every once in a while to try any suggestions

This repository reproduces the issue and this commit fixes it. Let me know if that works for your configuration.

We've also fixed the zustand CJS bundling issue in the most recent version of @dopt/javascript (3.4.0) so you shouldn't need to workaround @joemckenney describes above.

I updated the repository to this commit and verified it works as expected.

Going to close this issue, and thank you for reporting @jeffreybiles!