dop251 / goja

ECMAScript/JavaScript engine in pure Go

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Method calls in a class constructor fail to resolve under certain circumstances

matthewmueller opened this issue · comments

Hi @dop251, thanks so much on adding ES6 class support. It's enabled server-side rendering (SSR) in Svelte in pure Go!

I'm additionally working on running the Svelte compiler through Goja and I ran into an esoteric class bug. Here's a minimal reproduction script:

package main

import (


const code = `
class A {
  constructor(abc) {
    this.arr = []
    this.arr.forEach(fn => this.anything)
  m() {
new A()

func main() {
	if err := run(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())

func run() error {
	prg, err := goja.Compile("main.js", code, false)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to compile svelte compiler: %w", err)
	vm := goja.New()
	_, err = vm.RunProgram(prg)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

Running this, you should see TypeError: Cannot read property 'm' of undefined or null at main.js:4:5(3).

While the JS code itself works in V8:

class A {
  constructor(abc) {
    this.arr = []
    this.arr.forEach(fn => this.anything)
  m() {
new A()

This reproduction is fragile. Changing nearly anything will change the error, but you'll run into this issue while trying to evaluate the Svelte compiler:

TypeError: Object has no member 'walk_module_js' at compiler.js:23821:26(261)

Many thanks again for adding class support! I'm working on migrating from V8 to Goja for