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Arabic translation

aymns opened this issue · comments


Maintainer(s): @aymns

Please check out the Translations Contributing Guidelines.

Original translations thread: #28

Interested in helping? Let us know!


Thanks for the very interesting information there, I would like to contribute by translating the content to Arabic language.
I am a native Arabic speaker from Palestine, and i will maintain the content and will ask native speaker friends to review and help.


@aymns awesome thank you!

@aymns I'm very interested in helping 😃


@mostafazh awesome, you can review my commit on forked repository
Or you can start translating any section you would like.

please feel free to join the Gitter lobby for discussion here;

Thank you 👍

sure, can you open a PR inside your repo from your develop branch to your repo's master branch? so I can add my comments and we can move the discussion there.

Shukran 👍


@mostafazh created, #2

I want to join you, I am a native Arabic speaker from Tunisia

Hi @aymns: Are you still interested in translating the guide and being the language maintainer?

Hi there, am really interested in Translation into Arabic.
am From Palestine, Currently living in Istanbul if this still available let me know, please.
warm regards

It would be my pleasure to contribute in the translation of this piece of art document to Arabic language


@donnemartin sorry for late reply, maybe it's better if someone more available can take the lead on maintatining the translation to Arabic. I'm still interested in this project. so I would still like to contribute and will be more active during the next months.

@ferasawadi @mfahmawi please feel free to check the forked repository, thank you.


Thanks for the very interesting information there, I would like to contribute by translating the content to the Arabic language.
I am a native Arabic speaker from Syria, and I will maintain the content and will ask native speaker friends to review and help.



Hello @chikobara ,

You can start by contributing to the forked repo here.

We can communicate using this gitter channel

Thank you,

How to contribute to arabic translation ?


@donnemartin checkout my pull request, I remade the arabic translation and made better edits on it.

Hello, Arabic translation?

Can someone approve my arabic repo?