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get_next_smallest method bug in get_next_challenge solution

msm1089 opened this issue · comments

The get_next_smallest method in the solution for get_next_challenge is not implemented correctly. The problem is in the last line before the return:

# Clear all bits to the right of index
num &= ~((1 << index) - 1)          <-- correctly clears the bits to right of index...
# Set bits starting from 0
num |= (1 << num_ones + 1) - 1   <--  but sets the bits 'right-aligned', when they should be 'left-aligned' up to the index of 
                                                              the last zero before the non-trailing ones in the original number


B = Bits()
num = 343434343


The correct answer is 343434334

To illustrate what has went wrong:

343434343 is 10100011110000110010001100111 in binary.
343434319 is 10100011110000110010001001111 in binary.
343434334 is 10100011110000110010001011110 in binary.

So you can see that the incorrect answer is due to the 4 1s being added on the extreme right, rather than shifted up to the index of the last 0 before the non-trailing 1s.

My solution that addresses this issue is:

    def get_next_smallest(self, num):
        if num is None:
            raise TypeError('num cannot be None')
        if num <= 0:
            raise ValueError('num cannot be 0 or negative')

        # handle numbers in which all bits are set - it is impossible to create a number less than
        # this without using less set bits
        if not (num + 1) & num:
            return num

        # create copy of num as we will need to shift it when counting 1s and 0s
        num_copy = num
        num_zeroes = 0
        num_ones = 0

        # count trailing 1s
        while ((num_copy & 1) == 1):
            num_ones += 1
            num_copy >>= 1

        # count number of 0s before first non-trailing 1
        while (((num_copy & 1) == 0) and (num_copy != 0)):
            num_zeroes += 1
            num_copy >>= 1

        # position of rightmost non-trailing one.
        index = num_zeroes + num_ones

        # clears from bit at index onwards
        num &= ((~0) << (index + 1))

        # Sequence of (num_ones + 1) ones
        mask = (1 << (num_ones + 1)) - 1

        # Shift the mask so the sequence of 1s is at the correct index, before applying it to num
        num |= mask << (num_zeroes - 1)

        return num