dongle-the-gadget / WinverUWP

A UWP version of winver

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Aesthetic issues, Organization, License Terms link and MS Store

Gaoyifei1011 opened this issue · comments

  1. Hope to upgrade the background color of the three buttons in the upper right corner to Windows 11 style button format (minimize, maximize and close).
    屏幕截图 2021-11-22 231307

  2. It seems that Winver contains Microsoft software license terms. We hope that the content of this piece can be added in the future version or a hyperlink can be provided to open the content of this piece (after all, it is included in Winver).

  3. Winver seems to have organization names, but WinverUWP has not been added

  4. I hope I can upgrade the ICONS of WinverUWP, the ICONS in the taskbar and start button are too small.You want to remove the background image and save a larger logo icon=

  5. I hope that the future versions will be available in the Microsoft Store

It seems that Winver contains Microsoft software license terms. We hope that the content of this piece can be added in the future version or a hyperlink can be provided to open the content of this piece (after all, it is included in Winver).

That might require me to make changes to localization.
And to further complicate things, I am not relatively sure where to pull the licenses. A compromise for the second problem is to use

Hope to upgrade the background color of the three buttons in the upper right corner to Windows 11 style button format (minimize, maximize and close).

Huh, never had this problem on my local machine.

(Yeah excuse the language since this is a version with pseudolocalization)

I hope that the future versions will be available in the Microsoft Store

Yeah me too, but currently I don't have a developer account.

Winver seems to have organization names, but WinverUWP has not been added

That might be a buggy implementation since I did remember to add org name.

Update: works fine on my machine

Can you please open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and confirm that RegisteredOrganization exists and isn't empty?

Hope to upgrade the background color of the three buttons in the upper right corner to Windows 11 style button format (minimize, maximize and close).

Huh, never had this problem on my local machine.

The title bar color bug occurs when a WinverUWP window is in an inactive window after the "highlight color" option is turned on in Settings -> Preferences -> Colors

This bug also appears in the white theme interface


Hope to upgrade the background color of the three buttons in the upper right corner to Windows 11 style button format (minimize, maximize and close).

Huh, never had this problem on my local machine.

The title bar color bug occurs when a WinverUWP window is in an inactive window after the "highlight color" option is turned on in Settings -> Preferences -> Colors

Yeah. I think that's an interesting use case which I don't think Microsoft's documentation assumed people would have used.

@Gaoyifei1011 the title bar bug should now be fixed in acf54a7 and will be released as part of Release 1.1.

Due to some issues happening right now with Release 1.0.1, I will release version 1.1 now, with the fix for the title bar bug. Other issues would be pushed to fix later.

Due to some issues happening right now with Release 1.0.1, I will release version 1.1 now, with the fix for the title bar bug. Other issues would be pushed to fix later.

Thanks for your reply.

I have updated to version 1.1 yesterday, and I have submitted the bug feedback of version 1.1. Please go to the bug feedback page of 1.1.


I'll just close this for #8