donalee / DeepMCDD

Multi-class Data Description for Out-of-distribution Detection

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Results replication mentioned in the paper

aks1207 opened this issue · comments


I read the paper and it was a great read. I have a couple of questions, namely

  1. I tried running the experiment on GasSensorData using the below mentioned parameters
  • batch_size=200
  • latent_size=128
  • learning_rate=0.001
  • net_type='mlp'
  • num_epochs=100
  • num_folds=5
  • num_layers=3
  • oodclass_idx=0
  • reg_lambda=1.0

and got the results as

== Final results ==
The best ID accuracy on "data_gas" test samples :  96.14 ( 1.163)
The best OOD accuracy on "class_0" test samples :
 TNR85           TNR95           AUROC           DTACC           AUIN            AUOUT          
 49.22 ( 4.726)  30.70 ( 6.331)  71.50 ( 1.772)  67.74 ( 2.368)  54.77 ( 1.536)  81.01 ( 1.656). 

But the paper mentions better results. Can you kindly help me if I have missed something in the experimentation ?

  1. In the paper one of the baselines is Mahalnobis Distance utilisation. Can you eloborate on how it is being used ?
  • Is it being used for distance calculation instead of equation 4 mentioned in the paper ?
  • If yes, Is the mahalnobis distance covariance matrix is calculated using all data points representation that belong to a particular class?
  • What is the covariance matrix during testing phase as we donot know what class each point belongs to? Do we still use the one built from using training samples ?
  • Does the score function utilise this Mahalnobis distance and is it then followed by push and pull loss ?
  • If not, what is the setup for Mahalnobis distance based baseline ?

3.In section 3.1.1 it was mentioned that BCD (Block coordinate distance is used for optimisation), but I could see mini batch gradient descent with Adam optimiser in the code. Is my interpretation wrong? If so, kindly correct me.