donaldzou / WGDashboard

Simple dashboard for WireGuard VPN written in Python w/ Flask

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WGDashboard v4.0 (was v3.1) Suggestions

donaldzou opened this issue · comments

  1. Traffic statistics function ❤️ from #101
  2. API interface ❤️ from #101
  3. Block peers without deleting it. ❤️ from #88
  4. Remove peers after a certain amount of time. ❤️ from #86
  5. Kill Switch at Sign In page. ❤️ from #85

—- @donaldzou Your platform has so much expandability potential -love it!

Was having issues where peers info didn't populate. (hangs forever) Noticed especially when two sessions accessed portal at same time. Work around was to periodically delete tinydb file , when glitched, so it could rebuild. —- Ultimately My fix was to re-write using MongoDB. Works fantastic now!!! — I now have an admin and user facing portals. —- [ Added: ] Traffic data posted to each peers Mongo account; API overlay to allow access with NodeJS as middleware; email user tunnel creds; Auto ip allocation; instant domain name for public routable IP’s; a disabled DB field to implement granular peer tunnel control. Working on BGP peering automation now. —- Its fantastically expandable.

Hi @airgapper thank you!!! The v3.0 update, I moved from tinydb to SQLite, to prevent the issue you mentioned. It was caused by race condition when more than 1 flask session is accessing the same "Configuration" page ;) And I love how you developed new features with it! If you don't mind, I would love to see the version you rewrote.

just small tiny thing you could add to the updater

=> at the question if we want to update the wg-dashboard make the question like this [Y/n] Y in capital because it is the default setting and if some enters "Y" or "y" or "N" or "n" it should accept those letters, right now it only accepts capital letters

just small tiny thing you could add to the updater

=> at the question if we want to update the wg-dashboard make the question like this [Y/n] Y in capital because it is the default setting and if some enters "Y" or "y" or "N" or "n" it should accept those letters, right now it only accepts capital letters

Will do will do ;)

Is a backup and restore function possible?
Then this is my wish for v3.1 :)

Sorry for the dump question, but how can I block a peer? I only see how to switch of the whole configuration. Thank you!

Sorry for the dump question, but how can I block a peer? I only see how to switch of the whole configuration. Thank you!

Hi! This feature is not implement yet, but I'm planning to implement it in the next release ;) Stay tune!

As a suggestion, I would like a button to be implemented to reset the statistics of the total global traffic.

Looking very nice! One feature that other wg web UI's have is the ability to email the configuration of a peer after generating it.

Allow for multiple wireguard servers (separate boxes). using paramiko and subprocesses.

A Single Sign On option utilizing solutions such as SAML 2.0, OAUTH 2.0 or OpenID Connect

Please add traffic information to the main page.
So that you can see the configuration traffic without going into the configuration.

If possible, reduce the number of decimal places in the traffic display

What about making the Allowed IP Adress clickable?


In my environment there are routers as a client behind that I can access from my site to configure them remotely. Would be awesome to be able to jump directly to them from the WG-Dashboard (in a new tab ofc).

is this project abandoned?

I hope it will be soon because we have been waiting for an update for months... and I use your system a lot and it would be unpleasant to move to another

I hope it will be soon because we have been waiting for an update for months... and I use your system a lot and it would be unpleasant to move to another

I'm super happy that you guys been using this project. I will definitely make those update soon. But when you working 9-to-5 vs when you still at school is different ;) I hope you guys can understand that.

Everything is fine :) for my part I just see a problem here and there what can be improved

Recently we got your Dashboard working on alma Linux… was a bit hard to figure out what the problems are without good debuging output… but well we did it 👍

we should keep this thread for suggestions now right :)


First of all, awesome project! It really has potential to become something great!

Some suggestions:
I use a script that automatically generates my wireguard config. This script pulls down a list of hosts and public keys via central api, builds a wireguard config and then compares it to the installed version. If it differs, it installs the new version and reloads wireguard. This way I can deploy a new server, add it's info to the central api and within minutes it will setup a tunnel to all the other servers in the network.
This works great, but it makes it impossible for me to use WGDashboard, mainly due to the fact that WGDashboard erases all comments in the config file. I use # comments to track names and changes and since WGDashboard erases them my script detects it as a change and generates a new config. Is there a way to make WGDashboard ignore comments and just let them be?

Also, it would be nice if WGDashboard could save the "Name" field from the webinterface as a # comment in the config file. That way I could add names in the webinterface but still see them when working in console.

I don’t use the API thing as you do but the thing with comments would be realy nice, that’s how I started with WireGuard as well, and then there was WGDashboard 😂 I guess that is one of the downsides we have right now because wgdashboard is using an internal database for its connection names and the private keys for those clients to generate the QR codes with.
But hey hope is dying last (is that right translation, guess not)

I like the granularity of 4 decimal places, but you can always change rounding from 4 down to 2

I would love for a button that restarts an interface, in order to accept changes after creating a new peer for example, i need to turn off and then turn on an interface. but a restart button would make it so much more practical. :)

We have been 7 months without updates, please I do not want to see myself in the obligation to change to another project, I like this one a lot. When will we have something new?


Option to rename wg0 to something else in dashboard


To keep it simple, there's no need to include "Peer" in the listing

Skærmbillede 2022-10-29 kl  16 36 28

And thanks for the work on WGDashboard. It is appreciated


I hope it will be soon because we have been waiting for an update for months... and I use your system a lot and it would be unpleasant to move to another

Do you have any problems with current version?


Please add HTTPS for WGDashboard.
And even if the SSL certificate is self-signed. It's better than no SSL at all.

for https you can use nginx proxy manager there you have also SSL certifikate with Lets Encrypt


I suggest adding traffic quota (or limitation) for each user + expiration date.
I assume expiration date is pretty straight forward: just a simple script that auto DISABLEs (temporarily deleted but kept somewhere for re-enabling) the user's (or peer's) account at a certain date.
Also by traffic quota or limitation I mean the ability to limit data usage of a peer to X GB per month. I think this can probably be done using iptables quotas and peers' internal WG IPs but I'm not sure.

I usually use your project, I am from Central Asia and I would like to highlight the language selection function, people from other countries think they will use it too, is it possible to make a separate file with the language interface, in the future just add a new file and switch to it?
I use Google translator, I hope my thoughts will reach you.

Ask the creator, there will never be another update?

@eduardorosabales Yes. I'm planning to do a revamp of the backend and frontend, since it is written with Flask and jQuery (Not the best thing to do nowadays).. I'm starting on it so please bare with me.

As always, thanks all of you using my project and still using it :)

I use your project a lot, it has helped me a lot but improvements can be made and everything previously said here should be implemented.
More or less the estimated time you would be releasing an update

It would be nice to have an interface language; most of the words are clear.
but I would still like a choice of language


@eduardorosabales Yes. I'm planning to do a revamp of the backend and frontend, since it is written with Flask and jQuery (Not the best thing to do nowadays).. I'm starting on it so please bare with me.

As always, thanks all of you using my project and still using it :)

nice to read you are coming back to the project and look to revamp. a nice easy one to do would be promote the beta version which looks so much better and gives dark mode would be good for them who are happy with Flask etc.

@eduardorosabales Yes. I'm planning to do a revamp of the backend and frontend, since it is written with Flask and jQuery (Not the best thing to do nowadays).. I'm starting on it so please bare with me.
As always, thanks all of you using my project and still using it :)

nice to read you are coming back to the project and look to revamp. a nice easy one to do would be promote the beta version which looks so much better and gives dark mode would be good for them who are happy with Flask etc.

Yes, balancing work and school is been hard for me, but I guess is good have some "Me Time" to work on this project is important for me as well :) I can pull myself out from all those stress!

if anyone is curious, I will make all the updates under the branch v3.1-dev2023


Hello, I found a log service for WG on the website, checked its functionality, it works on the basis of handshakes, shows the time and date, user name, its external IP address from which users connected (at what time) and disconnected (at what time) .
Please consider adding this features to your control panel, it will be very useful.

I'm glad you got back to work., and I'm already using your beta version, how happy I am, I would like you to put a type of quota for each peer so I could control my users by total bandwidth consumption... And I would like the counter to be reset manually.
keep up your great work

@donaldzou check the previous message

@donaldzou check the previous message

Thank you for the suggestion, I'm actually thinking that and will be implement into the new version :)

@donaldzou check the previous message

Thank you for the suggestion, I'm actually thinking that and will be implement into the new version :)

Do you think it will be ready in less than 1 month, the truth is that I need it as soon as possible, I need to be able to control by installments and reset that counter

@donaldzou check the previous message

Thank you for the suggestion, I'm actually thinking that and will be implement into the new version :)

Do you think it will be ready in less than 1 month, the truth is that I need it as soon as possible, I need to be able to control by installments and reset that counter

Hi, I would love to finish the new update, but with my current work, school and personal life, I'm trying my best to finish it. Hope you can understand :)


Hello Dear
Please add expireation date for peers .

Thanks in advance


Hello Dear
Please add expireation date for peers .

Thanks in advance


Hello Dear
Please add expireation date for peers .

Thanks in advance


Hello Dear
Please add expireation date for peers .

Thanks in advance

For example, we should be able to choose the date when a peer will close.

Example: until

After the specified period of time, the peer becomes deactivated.

is this project abandoned?

is this project abandoned?

Hi! No it is not ☺️ currently is university final season and I'm focusing on that so I can get the hell out of it🤣 I'm promising a new release of this project so please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks a lot!!