dominicstop / react-native-ios-context-menu

A react-native component to use context menu's (UIMenu) on iOS 13/14+

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`TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNIUtilitiesModule.initialize')`

nandorojo opened this issue · comments

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNIUtilitiesModule.initialize')
/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Core/ExceptionsManager.js:95:4 in reportException
/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Core/ExceptionsManager.js:141:19 in handleException
/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Core/setUpErrorHandling.js:24:6 in handleError
/node_modules/expo/build/errors/ExpoErrorManager.js:25:19 in errorHandler
/node_modules/expo/build/errors/ExpoErrorManager.js:30:24 in <anonymous>
/node_modules/expo-error-recovery/build/ErrorRecovery.fx.js:12:21 in ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler$argument_0

I'm getting this error on 1.14.0, from these new changes:

For some reason, it isn't finding these native modules, even after running pod install. I wonder if there are any good ways to debug?

Update: sorry, I fixed it.

hey @nandorojo, how did you fix this?

Currently running into this using zeego

be sure to rebuild the dev client and not use expo go

Cheers just had to rebuild my dev client 👍