doitintl / kubeip

Assign static public IPs to Kubernetes nodes (GKE, EKS)

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use with multiple clusters in the same projet

benjii opened this issue · comments

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to create this tool. It has solved a key problem for us! :)

Describe the bug
I have two clusters, one for UAT and one for Live. I have set KubeIP up on the UAT cluster smoothly; no errors and IP addresses are being assigned. Working like a dream.

However, applying the same* process to the Live cluster has not rendered the same result. The KubeIP pod seems stuck in the ContainerCreating state.

The process for setting up the Live cluster (which I did second, after UAT) was a little different because I did not have to set up the service accounts, etc. These are project-bound as far as I know. Is this correct? I think that his also means that I can use the same secret key.

This command:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user gcloud config list --format 'value(core.account)'


Error from server (AlreadyExists): "cluster-admin-binding" already exists

Which did not happen the first time, when I was setting this up for UAT. I am a little suspicious that maybe this is the problem...

Also, this is how my status IP addresses are labelled. Is this configuration OK?


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up a cluster to use KubeIP (everything works fine);
  2. Attempt to set up a second cluster (the KubeIP pod gets stuck in a ContainerCreating state).

Expected behavior
I believe that the pod should launch and I should get static IPs assigned.

See above.

Additional context

Never mind! Silly error on my part. However, if anyone else comes across this problem the issue that you do not to create the kubeip-key for each cluster (well, within the namespace of each cluster).

Once I did that everything worked right away!

Thanks again for this awesome tool. :)