dogo / AKSideMenu

Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift

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Memory not manage on Navigation from leftview controller

sazidmsi opened this issue · comments

  • I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests
Include the following:
  • AKSideMenu version: 1.0.0
  • Device OS version: 6.0
  • Device Name: iPhone 6
Reproduction Steps
  1. Just try to tap on menu icon and select an item from table
  2. Check the memory for the debug navigator pane in left hand side.
  3. If you repeat this step, memory increase to 1 gb and app got crashed
Expected Result

Memory should be manage itself

Actual Result

Memory increase unexpectedly while we have used side menu for navigation

Tell us what could be improved:

You should provide the array of content vc in side menu controller

Could not reproduce, tested with Simple App example and the memory consumption remained at 57.4 ~ 57,7
screen shot 2019-01-08 at 00 01 45

Could you please provide me more information about the issue?

Tested with version 1.4.3