dogo / AKSideMenu

Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift

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ContentViewContainer invisible after rotation

calli23 opened this issue · comments

  • I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests
Include the following:
  • AKSideMenu version: 1.4.0
  • Device OS version: 11.1
  • Device Name: iPhone 7
Reproduction Steps
  1. Open app in landscape mode.
  2. Make your app show left menu.
  3. now rotate to portrait mode.
Expected Result

The ContentViewContainer should be visible on the right side.

Actual Result

It looks like the ContentViewContainer is rotating out of the right bound of the screen. All steps can be repeated as often as you want to reproduce this issue.

Tell us what could be improved:

Is there a way to fix that?

I'm actually using the storyboard solution.!AinWFbAKlwAgiysWWCLj0FveEXhC

This was made with an iPhone X but the same effect can be observed with an iPhone 7. I think it does not rely on the device.

Lesson learned:
Don't use methods in RootViewController that may overwrite one from AKSideMenu class. I used to define viewWillTransitionToSize() in RootViewController which completely overwrote the standard behavior defined in AKSideMenus method willAnimateRotation().