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Problem with Ruby 1.9.1p243

pragdave opened this issue · comments

crowd server
Starting CloudCrowd Central Server on port 9173...
/Users/dave/tmp/cr/ `block in <main>': undefined method `dirname' for   Rack::File:Class (NoMethodError)

Technically I believe this is a problem with thin, but there's a simple workaround in It's caused by thin evaling in the context of Rack, which has its own Rack::File class.

The trivial workaround is to change created by cloud to contain

CloudCrowd.configure(::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.yml')
CloudCrowd.configure_database(::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/database.yml')

that is, put a '::' in front of the two File constants.



Thanks for the patch. I've added it to master, and it'll go out with the next release. I just have one question before closing the ticket. I can't reproduce it on my environment (Ruby 1.8.7, Thin 1.2.5, Rack 1.0.1, OSX), and haven't heard of other Ruby 1.9 folks running into it. What exactly are you running that causes this bug to come to light?

dave[tmp/cr 0:04:09] ruby1.9 -v
ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-darwin10]

dave[tmp/cr 0:04:27] for i (thin rack cloud-crowd); do; gem1.9 list $i; done
thin (1.2.5)
rack (1.0.1)
cloud-crowd (0.3.0)

The problem also happens if you just run thin:

dave[tmp/cr 0:06:24] thin -p 8776 -R start block in <main>': undefined methoddirname' for Rack::File:Class (NoMethodError)

I'm happy to dig further if there's something specific I can do.


Thanks -- I appreciate it. Looks like Ruby1.9/Thin is the trouble spot. I'm closing this ticket, and will let macournoyer know about it.

You really saved my life :) Thanks!