docs / jex

(EXPERIMENTAL) Breathe new life into old Jekyll sites

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jex ๐Ÿข๐Ÿš€

Breathe new life into old Jekyll sites

Jex is a Node.js module for building dynamic and static websites. It draws inspiration from Jekyll, a Ruby tool for creating static websites. Jekyll meets Express!

Similarities to Jekyll:

  • Write your pages in Markdown.
  • Add metadata to your pages with YAML frontmatter.
  • Add Liquid templating to make your page content dynamic.
  • Add JSON and YML files to a data directory for use in your pages.
  • Support multiple layouts.
  • Support redirects for retired URL paths.

Differences from Jekyll:

  • Node.js - Jex is a Node.js module written in JavaScript. (Jekyll is written in Ruby.)
  • Dynamic or Static - Jex apps can be exported as static websites, or they can be run as web servers with Express under the hood.
  • Middleware - Jex lets you bring your own Express/Connect middleware: Sass, Babel, etc.


To get an idea of what a Jex project looks like, check out these examples:


Jex is still in early development, and is not yet published to npm.

You can install it directly from the GitHub repo:

npm install jex/jex


jex serve <sitedir>

The Basics


  • are written in Markdown
  • live in the pages directory
  • have an .md or .html extension


  • lives in the /data directory
  • can be in .json, .yml, and .yaml files
  • can be nested within directories
  • is available in templates as {{ data }}


  • live in the /layouts directory
  • have a .md or .html extension
  • must include a Liquid reference to {{ content }}


Frontmatter is YML that lives at the top of your pages. It looks like this:

title: The Loudest Webpage
volume: 11

Here begins the page content...

Jex has a few frontmatter properties with special meaning:

  • redirects (TODO: write docs)
  • permalinks (TODO: write docs)


Jex has sensible defaults, and configuration is not required. If you're starting a new Jex project, you can probably work within the defaults. If, however, you're adapting an existing project to work with Jex, it may be necessary to configure it.

To configure your Jex app, create a jex.js file that looks like this:

module.exports = {
  // config goes here

See the config options below.

Config Options


Where the pages live.

Default: pages


An array of glob patterns to include when loading pages.

Default: ['**/*.md', '**/*.markdown', '**/*.html']


An array of glob patterns to exclude when loading pages.

Default: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/vendor/**']


Where the data files live.

Default: data


An array of glob patterns to include when loading data.

Default: ['**/*.md', '**/*.markdown', '**/*.html']


An array of glob patterns to exclude when loading data.

Default: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/vendor/**']


Where the layouts live.

Default: layouts


An array of glob patterns to include when loading layouts.

Default: ['**/*.md', '**/*.markdown', '**/*.html']


An array of glob patterns to exclude when loading layouts.

Default: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/vendor/**']


Function to override the generation of permalinks for a page.

The default behavior is to create a "clean URL" based on the path and filename:

  • foo/bar/ -> /foo/bar
  • foo/bar/ -> /foo/bar/some-page

afterContextualize(req, res, next)

Express/Connect middleware function to modify req.context after it's created.

Default: none

beforeRender(req, res, next)

Express/Connect middleware function to modify before it's rendered.


Object for defining redirects.




(EXPERIMENTAL) Breathe new life into old Jekyll sites

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%