docpad / docpad-plugin-dateurls

DocPad plugin that adds support for date based URLs to DocPad

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect usage of findAllLive

balupton opened this issue · comments

Inside renderBefore there is this line:

documents = @docpad.getCollection('documents').findAllLive({relativeDirPath: config.documentPath}, [date: -1])

findAllLive should only be used when defining long running custom collections, in this case this is a short running custom collection. So what will happen is that each time renderBefore is emitted, findAllLive executes, and creates another child collection listening to the parent, causing a memory leak as well as unexpected results.

The solution to this is to move out this line into a new extendCollections event, as can be seen here in the partials plugin:

Alternatively, you can keep it where it is but just change findAllLive to findAll, but it will be less ineffective.

I'll be working on some querying API documentation more obvious and cleaner.