dockette / web

:whale: Dockette full modern web container (Nginx / PHP+FPM / Supervisor / Cron) all-in-one.

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Supervisor in Go instead of Python

vojtechmares opened this issue · comments


I suggest replacing the standard supervisord from packages (I am talking about Alpine) with single binary written in Go from

The benefit of this change is that we will get rid of some overhead from Python environment which supervisor brings. So the image is overall smaller.

We need to add/change this in Dockerfile:

# ...
COPY --from=ochinchina/supervisord:latest /usr/local/bin/supervisord /usr/local/bin/supervisord
CMD [ "/usr/local/bin/supervisord", "-c", "supervisor.conf", "-d" ]

Thanks, I deprecated Alpine version. But I used this approach in alpined-based images. So good advice, thx @vojtechmares.