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Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error.

signsmile opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Actual behavior


  • Diagnostic ID from "Diagnose & Feedback" in the menu.
  • a reproducible case if this is a bug, Dockerfiles FTW
  • page URL if this is a docs issue or the name of a man page
  • host distribution and version (Windows version, build number, etc)

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. ...
  2. ...

Can you please add a diagnostic id and provide more details?


ID : 9F12A71E-4AE6-47EC-8210-1ED7FD3BEFA3/2017-03-22_12-10-00

Using docker compose with "Ports" enable to access web server in localhost.

Example :
ERROR: for mssql Cannot start service mssql: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint serveurMsSQL (6ddab67975bf1feeae04902befbe6caf557e782859cfdf4a76e0a4fa47a251d2): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp:
:tcp: input/output error

OS : Windows 10 x64 Version 1607 / Build : 14393.693

EDIT 1 : Desactiving "Experimantal Features" (checked by default) solve my issue

Same error message for me. Should I open a new ticket?
Just in case it's helpful here:
ID: 92AFBA65-1F89-4C80-8352-FE13334E71DC/2017-03-22_10-18-19
Version 17.03.0-ce-win1 (10296)
Channel: stable
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.14393 Build 14393

While doing further tests for this ticket, I made the following observation:
The failing command was a simple docker run command that has a port binding with the full ip.

For example

docker run -p ...

The IP was incorrect. Once I made the correction, the command worked as expected.

I hope that helps.

@Magdaflowne do you have the docker-compose file that you're trying to run?

@pf-curtis-mitchell no reason to open a new ticket, and happy to hear you got it working.


I also get this problem
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
virtualization: native hyper-v

does not matter if I use powershell or ubuntu shell, same result

all you have to do to reproduce the issue is:
docker run -p 8080:8080 hello-world
or any other port for that matter

I also get this issue on an image which was working before.
I also reproduce with the simple "docker run -p 8080:8080 hello-world"

my version of Docker is 1.13.1 (10072)
I'm on Windows 10

I made no update of Windows, neither Docker between the working/failing state.

EDIT: a restart and an upgrade to Docker Tooling 17.03.0-ce-win1 (10296) has fixed the issue for me


what do you mean by "docker tooling" ?
my Docker version is 1.12.3, build 6b644ec (stable)
and if I check for updates I get the info, that its the latest one

EDIT: I found something like that in logs:
Version: 17.03.0-ce-win1 (10296)
seems to be the same version as what you pasted. no idea whats that ;p

EDIT2: issue seems to be gone for no apparent reason...

Post updated

Desactiving "Experimantal Features" (checked by default) solve my issue

Same Problem with Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
Windows 10 Enterprise v1607 Build 14393.953
virtualization: native hyper-v

Same issue...

ID: FFAB1CCB-ED9B-4799-A2F7-84B7501121FC/2017-04-06_11-01-38
Windows 10 Version 1607 Build 14393.726, using Hyper-V

Using this docker image: puckel/docker-airflow

As @Magdaflowne said, unchecking "Experimental features" under "Daemon" seems to have fixed this issue.

  1. Stop all the running containers docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) then
  2. Stop the Docker on your machine & restart it.

solution by @raghavmac works for me, thanks!

Windows Powershell equivalent of @raghavmac's one-liner to stop all running containers:
docker ps -a -q | ForEach { docker stop $_ }


Unfortunately we are currently facing the same errors.

We are running a freshly installed Windows Server 2016 where our developers work using RDP.

There are just two containers at the moment: apache-dev (based on centos:7) and redis-dev.

The redis container is started as follows:

docker run --rm -v c:/apps/redis/redis.log:/var/log/redis.log -v c:/apps/redis/redis.conf:/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf:ro -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis-dev redis:3 redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf

Both work as expected, but are not heavily used, since we're just evaluating docker in our new environment.
After a few hours (mostly over night) - I return to the server (which has not been used meanwhile) just to notice, that there seems to be something wrong - e.g. the php application running on the apache container complaining that redis is not reachable, or that it is not able to access our Oracle Database (which does not run in a containerized environment). Apache itself was reachable through the local browser at that time.

I then stop both containers.

If I try to start the containers again, I get something like this:

docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint redis-dev (b36dc0f21c4f40665b38dac87e5a4eb7482c72cd8c9430fadcecac1224be56b0): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error.

The batch file just contains the commmand from above.
If I use "Restart docker" on the "Reset" tab in the docker gui, I am again able to start both containers.

This issue hit me various times. Another example: I spawned a bash inside the apache container to test a few things but noticed, there was no internet connectivity. So I stopped the container and got the very same error on starting it. Restarted docker, started the container - spawned a bash, everything ok again.

It always seems like network connectivity gets lost after some time - and whatever happens prevents the containers to start again, after they have been stopped.

I uploaded a diagnostic, hoping that it helps:

I'm happy to provide more details - just don't know where to start my search...



Deactivating experimental features also worked for me

Deactivating experimental features also worked for me

Got this error today with no apparent reason after working well always, and deactivating experimental features solved it.

+1 to fix by disabling experimental features, it would be nice to know which feature was causing it.

Anyone that has 'solved' disabling experimental features (that needs a reboot of the VM that we already know can fix the problem) has never seen it happen again for a month or more?
We continue experimenting this issue after some days or weeks of uptime, the only solution so far seems to reboot everything, disabling experimental features did nothing.
This is the main issue that prevent us to going in production with Docker for Windows, we can't reboot production's vm every other week.

Disabling "Experimental Features" in the Settings/Daemon menu, restarting docker and then stopping all images worked for me.


@daniel-gwilt-software Worked for how long? More than a month of uptime?

I am starting to suspect that disabling the experimental features isn't "fixing" the issue, but the fact that you press "apply" and the Docker VM reboots upon that action, is actually "fixing" the issue.


The same issue. Each time I open my Windows 10 laptop (boot the system) and the Docker service starts, I'm unable to bring my Docker Compose project up, because:

Creating code_application_1 ... error

ERROR: for code_application_1  Cannot start service application: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint code_application_1 (bd7f89ef4c1b0c6cbb4eb82ba552e5ccbf87f168ad81b8f8656bdc6443c2ef79): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp:0.0.0.
0:8888:tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for application  Cannot start service application: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint code_application_1 (bd7f89ef4c1b0c6cbb4eb82ba552e5ccbf87f168ad81b8f8656bdc6443c2ef79): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp:
tcp: input/output error
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Here is the diagnostic ID: 65B03A6A-4D0B-4364-A84C-41DDE0B4AB0F/2017-12-29_14-27-34

After I stop the service (quit docker) and then start it again, everything works fine.

Here is my compose file:

version: "3.4"

    image: postgres
      - vars.env
    image: rabbitmq
      - vars.env
    build: .
      - vars.env
    command: gunicorn --bind= --workers=4 proj.wsgi
      - .:/code
      - "8888:8000"
      - data
      - messages

Yeah, as @rickvanbodegraven said - it has nothing to do with experimental features, it is just restarting Docker that helps.

I have Win 10 with docker Postgres container for development bound to my local port. Every time I restart PC - i have to recreate container, otherwise it won't work. That's annoying.

I had this issue today with Docker for Windows 10 (x64, Community) Version 17.09.1-ce-win42 (14687). As other have said, restarting the daemon fixed it (I still have experimental features enabled).

Containers I've been using have been stable for months prior to this.

+1 for this issue. Previously I had the cold boot startup error where docker would popup a timeout when I first booted my PC (Windows 10 Pro version 1709) but that went away and docker seemed to be working fine until I had to start interacting with containers then I would get this userland proxy issue requiring a VM reboot.

@Jamby93 I've only been using my current docker set up for a couple weeks, but it is currently working. I'm using docker for development so I turn my containers on and off frequently. If I'm working on the server I could do it 10 or 20 times in a single day. The issue did emerge again, but a simple docker daemon restart fixed it this time.

@rickvanbodegraven You may be correct about that. I tried starting my image today, got the proxy error, simply restarted docker and everything worked again.

Got the same issue with mysql image today. Worked fine yesterday.
Solved it by setting "experimental features" off.

To expand on this issue, I've noticed that it happens after I use OpenVPN to connect to our office network (which does all sorts of stuff to my routing and network interfaces). It also happens when I use my laptop through its USB-C docking station, which conveniently adds a new network interface whenever it is plugged in.

I am starting to suspect that when the Docker VM is booted, it gets attached to a specific network interface, and whenever that network interface no longer exists, this problem pops up. Simply restarting it (for example by clicking the Apply button) will cause the VM to attach to a different network interface, and thus solving the issue for however long that interface exists.

Company VPN suspected here, too. It wasn't running at the time of the error as I had disconnected about an hour ago. Restarting docker didn't do it for me -- I went straight for "Reset to factory defaults..." Not ideal.

More on that issue. Happens to me on a computer with no VPN at all (only bitdefender Security Suite, firewall ok to let docker do its job). At windows start: the error occurs. Demon restart: everything is ok.

This issue happen a lot of time for me (win 10 pro, Docker version 17.09.1-ce, build 19e2cf6). It is not dependent of status of the "Experimental features". And I need each time to restart the docker daemon to continue working.

I have the same issue; after shutting down Windows and restarting, then trying to start via docker-compose. I can confirm that simply restarting the docker daemon fixes the issue until the next reboot.

@rickvanbodegraven I had the same error, but after restarting i can "docker-compose up" without errors, but my containers are not reachable using localhost.
I'm using a USB3-dock for ethernet as well. Maybe it causes problems.. :-/

I have confirmed that the external Ethernet card was causing the problem for me (steps: docker-compose down, shutdown docker, unplug, connect to wifi, start docker, docker-compose up).
I can connect to localhost, and no errors.

Some more info, maybe this will help?

The issue happens daily for 3 of 4 developers within my team. They're all running Windows 10 Pro, on a corporate domain (I'm using a Mac and don't have this issue).

Diagnostic Ids:
Problematic machines:

  • 46586E4A-835C-4D36-B271-CBC401C9614A/2018-01-11_09-30-17
  • 49915569-1176-4094-88E9-94060114F136/2018-01-11_09-30-23
  • AD2AC47A-53E0-47AC-87E6-0C57166E93C0/2018-01-11_09-30-34

OK machine:

  • 6FB35428-155B-4EAF-95F3-539789086D26/2018-01-11_09-30-33

We use Docker[-compose] for our development environments. Unfortunately, I am unable to share the
exact docker-compose files we use.

Heres the type of output they get:

ERROR: for feature970stockdetailstopremiseslevel_db_1 Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint feature970stockdetailstopremiseslevel_db_1 (0fc7f853b3f1de48c5710490925fa7008d9705474734ec41201c6f156c8caf1a): Error star
ting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

Also, one of my developers (ID: 49915569-1176-4094-88E9-94060114F136/2018-01-11_09-30-23) experienced the localhost issue (reported by @boukeversteegh, above) for the first time today. Restarting docker (for a second time this morning) fixed the localhost issue.

As I have access to three Win10 machines with the issue and one without, I'm happy to aid with any diagnostic/investigation to get this issue identified & resolved.

[UPDATE]: @boukeversteegh seemingly identified his external NIC as being his problem. Our machines use onboard NICs, so probably not the same for us.

@friism what debugging information do you need to get this investigated a little deeper?


I got same issue after my PC fall into sleep. Windows 10 Pro. Fixed by restarting Docker.

How to reproduce:

  1. Sleep
  2. Wake
  3. Start docker-compose

I would like to have a 'fixed by restarting' label so that we could close basically every issue in the IT world with that solution.

I'm having the same issue.

Desactiving "Experimantal Features" (checked by default) solve my issue

This fixed it temporary because it restarts docker. When shutting down my laptop the same issue is back after starting it again.

I did some more investigation and I found out that since the Fall Creators Update windows has a new "hybrid shutdown" feature. What it does is storing the state of open applications and reopen those when you start your pc/laptop again. This is the default behavior when clicking "start -> power -> shutdown".

This behavior can't be switched off, but you can shutdown manually in your terminal as before:
shutdown.exe /s /t 0 (Adding /hybrid would enable the current behavior)

If I shutdown with this command I don't have the mentioned issues anymore.

According to the release notes of insider-preview-build-17040 this hybrid shutdown behavior can be disabled starting from 17040.

Based on your feedback, the feature to restore applications that have registered for application restart after you reboot or shutdown (through power options available on the Start Menu and various other locations) has been set to only occur for users that have enabled “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” in the Privacy section under Sign-in Options Settings.

I'm guessing that somehow docker must detect that the device was restarted after a hybrid shutdown and clear some settings first.

@xtreamwayz Thanks, I'm using 1703, with business branch and 2 months delay, i got no update, with 0 day delay i got 1709 one, hopefully it does not create another problem while i am trying to fix one. if this working fine i'll delay for another year or so.

Restarting docker (Windows, Docker Settings --> Reset --> Restart Docker) fixed the issue for me.


@friism Do you still need some info?

I have the same issue when I upgrade to the lastest version. Restart docker will fix it temporarily.
A diagnostic was uploaded with id: 11F87FC1-FCD5-4980-B8D1-E70519A3C413/2018-01-28_19-32-57

I am restarting docker every day!
what is permanent solution?

@saostad Did you try this #573 (comment) ?

As with many other comments I have the same issue from a cold reboot with a restart of Docker fixing the issue. Comment above from @xtreamwayz worked for me. The explanation regarding hybrid shutdwn sounds plausible to me so perhaps the Docker Win devs have something more concrete to go on.

Same situation of @saostad here: we are restarting Docker For Windows everyday or multiple times a day on Windows Server 2016, no shutdown, no network card issue, just some cointainers that "lose" public port forwarding after a while and no new container with port forwarding can be started, with the aforementioned error. It's basically impossibile to use in production given that the first clue of this problem already involves service interruption and daemon's restarting require manual intervention.


I tried restarting Docker to no avail. Finally I disabled experimental features and it worked.

@daniel-gwilt-software Thanks, it's works for me.

Same problem, restarting Docker on Windows solved it.

I turned off Experimental Features and then turned it back on and the problem went away. Seems to suggest it is the restarting of docker instead of the experimental features itself.

I don't think the issue is related to docker itself, but the linux virtual machine it is running on.
Restarting docker solves the issue because it also restarts the VM.

The issue happens again when you restart your machine because Hyper-V does not restart the VM, instead it suspends the VM. Somehow this is causing the port to look like it is being used after restoring.

@danbrellis Helped me as well, thx

Deactivating experimental features also worked for me, thanks!


I have the same issue. On windows 10, using mysql image.


Hmm. I have the same problem. I guess it basicly means that docker for windows is unusable for production, but ok for development. A big issue for those who are dependent on windows servers. Not so much for others. I hope it will be fixed asap.


@Jeern for sure Windows is unusable for production, not to mention Docker for Windows ;)


@adampl he he. :) Well it would pretty harsh to blame Windows for not working optimally with a Linux tech. Redis also works better on Linux although in that case the Windows version is actually pretty solid and ok for production. This issue here is bad though, not so much for those of us using Linux servers with kubernetes in production, but I would imagine it Kills docker for some shops


@Jeern Behind the scenes, Doker for Windows uses a virtual machine with Linux and docker on it, so I'd guess you can overcome this issue by just doing it yourself.

Personally, I was using Docker for Windows for local development, but recently I switched to a Ubuntu desktop and now I'm really satisfied with the performance and stability, so I recommend it to anyone who's serious about using Docker with Linux images.


@adampl I know and true. I do not have that option currently though.

@xtreamwayz lead me to a permanent "fix": after disabling fast startup (Power Options -> Choose what the power buttons do -> Change settings that are currently unavailable -> Turn on fast startup (recommended) -> uncheck) docker networking works as expected. No need to turn off “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” in the Privacy section under Sign-in Options Settings. And no need to shut down with a specific command everytime.
No fast startup anymore, though; I can live with that!

anyone tried using legacy restart / shutdown window?, which can be accessed by pressing alt + f4 on desktop.

anyone tried using legacy restart / shutdown window?, which can be accessed by pressing alt + f4 on desktop.

Just tried, doesn't work.

Turn off fast startup does work. I guess I go with that for now. Thanx @t-o-o-m.

If Windows 10 doesn't offer the option for fast startup (many causes for that, e.g. turned off hibernation), turning off “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” in the Privacy section under Sign-in Options Settings works as well, as already pointed out earlier.

Permanent fix suggested by @t-o-o-m works like a charm. I've been resetting Docker after every boot since months...

I couldn't find any UI to turn off “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting my device after an update or restart” as @t-o-o-m pointed out, so I went directly to regedit and created a Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableAutomaticRestartSignOn key (DWORD type) with value 1 and it seems to be working fine now.

More details on that property can be found in Winlogon Automatic Restart Sign-On (ARSO).

Just restarting docker worked for me

Desactiving "Experimantal Features" solve my issue

But didn't solve mine :( Now I have to restart the Docker always, but in this case the entire app is unusable.

Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint node1 (86820569dae50d2775ed7a1ee9fbb805d9ccf78a1d5187c4e7731a6c7cb75d3c): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error
Error: failed to start containers: node1

Guys, please stop saying"Experimental Features helped me". It's either: a) you had a different problem or b) you didn't test it. So it's only confusing everyone else coming to this thread.

The only permanent workaround is the one suggested by @xtreamwayz and @t-o-o-m: turning off the fast startup.

P. s.
Unsubbing from this thread, cos I have no hope of an official answer anymore 😞

With a little discipline, instead of disabling fast startup, just stop the containers or exit docker for windows before shutting down the PC. It works for me.

Just wanted to confirm that disabling Windows Fast Startup offers a workaround for this issue. Hopefully this is going to receive some love by someone who is bored working on 'high priority' issues.

For those of you who struggle to find the option to enable / disable fast startup, it is there but a tad hidden. No need to regedit 😉

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Find Power Options
  3. Click on Choose what the power button does in the sidebar on the left.
  4. Click on Change settings that are currently unavailable to allow checking / unchecking options under shutdown settings
  5. Toggle Turn on fast startup

Disabling the fast startup is not a 100% solution, only works if you restart the OS, but don't if you just log out and in. But most of the cases it's enough.

@99linesofcode, thanks a lot, It worked perfectly! My previous "solution" with regedit did not work, it only seemed to work for a couple of times, but I ended up having the same issue once again.

Here's a screenshot with the steps once you click on Choose what the power button does:


Solution by @raghavmac works for me too. Many thanks!

Having to restart docker to fix this is tedious.

I had the same issue and restarting Docker solved it.

What I can notice docker containers working well.
You can execute commands in running containers with docker exec -it <running-container> /bin/bash but after restarting windows hyper-v networking is totally messed up.

Currently only docker restart is a fix for this problem.

I notice in hyper-v settings for MobyLinuxVM vm that in Automatic Stop Action is selected Shut down the guest operating system. But there is a notice The integration service that controls shutting down the guest operating system must be installed and enabled on the virtual machine.

Dose MobyLinuxVM have this integration service and does it work?

Maybe the MobyLinuxVM does not shout down itself when host machine is shut down.


As @DGolubets stated, the reason turning experimental features off works temporarily is because it restarts the Docker daemon.

After disabling the login option, this no longer occurs for me.

In my case switching to enable experimental features fixed the issue. So it seems to be the Docker reboot what is fixing this issue.

I am restarting my docker everyday for 2 months now!
is there any hope to fix?

Really guys? Are you joking? Stop posting in this thread, if you have not READ IT.

In this thread the workaround for the problem was mentioned at least 5 times, with screenshots and everything, and it gets buried by stupid people just coming here to post "Disabling experimental features helped me!" or "Enabling experimental features helped me!".
It does not, stop posting it!

READ THE THREAD, its only 5 minutes until you get to the solution.
Better than trying to fix your problem for hours now, isn't it?
5 minutes of careful reading vs. 3 hours of brainless button clicking.
Can you do it?

In my case, I restarted the docker app so it was working fine :)


Sometimes happening to me, sometimes not, works usually after docker restart:

ERROR: for dnsdock Cannot start service dnsdock: driver failed programming external connectivity on e ndpoint dnsdock (0ead68149bc2bb71a64cf1bfa76e9cdbfc2ef3702971e148987b544316f3988a): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/udp: input/output error

Hope disabling experimental features will make this stable.

In my case to reproduce the error is quite easy, just logout...all the running containers die...after login again the container seems to be working(but it's not) stop and start the container and the error pops up.

It seems that the mobylinux die.

Hi, the same issue - docker restart helps

Docker:: Version 17.12.0-ce-win47 (15139), Channel: stable, 9c692cd

Docker diagnostic id: B5165DDB-C80F-45AB-A209-3D112B3FDE45/2018-06-27_08-39-01

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, Version 10.0.17134, Build 17134


version: '3.3'
  image: postgres
  restart: none
   - "5432:5432"
  image: adminer
  restart: none 
    - "8080:8080"


Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint some-postgres (9349410aa5233a43fc53d186a20a467c933e2a47b9a4b7722dc6f19c6ba002db): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

i updated docker to: Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40 and it didn't help, error:

ERROR: for postgres  Cannot start service postgres: b'driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint knowledgmize_postgres_1 (636fee68a023d6342595e205aeb68613070abe938b885d053219d7eb645f283a): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error'
ERROR: No containers to start

Docker diagnostic id after update: B5165DDB-C80F-45AB-A209-3D112B3FDE45/2018-06-27_22-13-42

Your solution worked for me :) 👍

I was resolve this problem with restart my docker, my OS is Windows 10. This problem occured because docker not stop correctly. We need to exit docker before shutdown our pc

@rickvanbodegraven 's fix worked for me, and his possible explanation seems to align with my working environment.

I am running Win 10 Enterprise on a corporate domain, build 1803, and docker 18.03.1-ce-win64 (17438). I have a docker swarm compose file (can't show it due to Non-disclosure agreement) and a SONAR image. I have to restart Docker for the SONAR container run again after every reboot, even after disabling HYBRID shutdown. The problem is solved only if I restart docker AND SONAR container.

PS C:\Users\a.kretschmer> docker start sonar
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint sonar (d0b33c01b2fdef1112344edf4
2def9c2f80973da7cb64f64e343c9af2eebaf3f): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp:
2: input/output error
Error: failed to start containers: sonar

UPDATE: How I run SONAR container

docker run -d --name sonar -p 9200:9000 -p 9292:9092 sonarqube

I think it helps to bring containers down before restarting windows

had this today. had to restart docker a few times before it came good.

I had this many times before, but a simple restart got it working again. Yesterday was a bad one and I was out of action for 2 hours, but then one restart just got it working. a total mystery. and pain.

I just run into this issue on Win10. Restarting docker fixed it. Version:

docker info

Containers: 3
 Running: 2
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 1
Images: 5
Server Version: 18.06.0-ce
Storage Driver: overlay2
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Supports d_type: true
 Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
 Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: d64c661f1d51c48782c9cec8fda7604785f93587
runc version: 69663f0bd4b60df09991c08812a60108003fa340
init version: fec3683
Security Options:
  Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.9.93-linuxkit-aufs
Operating System: Docker for Windows
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 1.934GiB
Name: linuxkit-00155df86909
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): true
 File Descriptors: 30
 Goroutines: 62
 System Time: 2018-07-30T22:34:12.7098407Z
 EventsListeners: 1
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false

Amazing that a bug this bad still exists over a year after it was reported.

An issue for me too! Computer going to sleep caused it. Docker restart fixed it.

same problem here, sleep windows 10 pro this happens, tried to restart docker, but no success.


I had the same problem, just restarted Docker aaaaaaaand it worked