docker / buildx

Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit

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bake: hcl `index` function doesn't work as expected

Usual-Coder opened this issue Β· comments

Contributing guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...

  • ... the documentation does not mention anything about my problem
  • ... there are no open or closed issues that are related to my problem


When given the expected parameters, a collection as first parameter and a value as second, index function should return the corresponding index (number), if the value is present in the collection?! Instead it raises an error (...)Call to function "index" failed: key for tuple must be number.(...) (presumably because of collection.go of go-cty)

index is in fact behaving exactly as the element function. What's the purpose of an index function expecting a number (aka the searched index itself) = why search for something you already know?!!!

Expected behaviour

Knowing the differences between element and index functions (per hcl docs and/or based on comments in collection.go and the corresponding functions mapped from go-cty):

element(list, index)

  • element retrieves a single element from a list (prefer the built-in index syntax list[index]).
  • The index is zero-based. This function produces an error if used with an empty list.

index(list, value)

  • index should find the element index for a given value in a list.
  • The returned index is zero-based.
  • This function should produce an error if the given value is not present in the list.

With bug.hcl (aka dummy config ... just for demonstration / nothing specifically related to annotations = same error no matter where you use index function):

target "bug" {
  annotations = [
    "foo=${element(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}",  // Work as expected/documented = returns "b"
    "bar=${index(["a", "b", "c"], "b")}",  // Raise an error !!! Should return 1
    // "baz=${index(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}", // NOK = same behavior as "element" function = if you already know the index ... what's the purpose of this function ?!!!


$ docker buildx bake --file path/to/bug.hcl --print bug
[+] Building 0.0s (1/1) FINISHED
 => [internal] load local bake definitions                                   0.0s
 => => reading path/to/bug.hcl 479B / 479B                                   0.0s
  "group": {
    "default": {
      "targets": [
  "target": {
    "bug": {
      "annotations": [
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"

Actual behaviour

Raise an error with the same/previous bug.hcl:

$ docker buildx bake --file path/to/bug.hcl --print bug
[+] Building 0.0s (1/1) FINISHED
 => [internal] load local bake definitions                                   0.0s
 => => reading path/to/bug.hcl 479B / 479B                                   0.0s
   2 |       annotations = [
   3 |         "foo=${element(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}",  // Work as expected/documented = returns "b"
   4 | >>>     "bar=${index(["a", "b", "c"], "b")}",  // Raise an error !!! Should return 1
   5 |         // "baz=${index(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}", // NOK = same behavior as "element" function = if you already know the index ... what's the purpose of this function ?!!!
   6 |       ]
ERROR: path/to/bug.hcl:4,12-18: Error in function call; Call to function "index" failed: key for tuple must be number., and 1 other diagnostic(s)

Buildx version v0.13.1 7884339

Docker info

Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:    26.0.0
 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.)
    Version:  v0.13.1
    Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
  compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.)
    Version:  v2.4.1
    Path:     /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
  scan: Docker Scan (Docker Inc.)
    Version:  v0.23.0
    Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-scan

 Containers: 1
  Running: 0
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 1
 Images: 2
 Server Version: 26.0.0
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: extfs
  Supports d_type: true
  Using metacopy: false
  Native Overlay Diff: true
  userxattr: false
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: systemd
 Cgroup Version: 2
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 runc
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: ae07eda36dd25f8a1b98dfbf587313b99c0190bb
 runc version: v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: builtin
 Kernel Version: 6.5.0-26-generic
 Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: ...
 Total Memory: ...
 Name: ...
 ID: ...
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false

Builders list

default*      docker                                 
 \_ default    \_ default       running   v0.13.1    linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/386


target "bug" {
  annotations = [
    "foo=${element(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}",  // Work as expected/documented = returns "b"
    "bar=${index(["a", "b", "c"], "b")}",  // Raise an error !!! Should return 1
    // "baz=${index(["a", "b", "c"], 1)}", // NOK = same behavior as "element" function = if you already know the index ... what's the purpose of this function ?!!!

Build logs

No response

Additional info

First things first: bake feature is great 😍 Thanks for that πŸ™‡

Since index is such a fundamental function, not having found an issue about it (and seen others not bothering/using it as/instead of element), I doubted myself for a while before filling this bug (not being fluent in Go, I stopped when digging deeper in go-cty sources became needed).

I don't know if it's related to how you're mapping go-cty in your hcl parser or the library itself ... but we should expect index or at least a function (no matter how it's named ... it should have a different behavior than the one expected from element ... the features subset being limited, may I say duplicates should not be expected?!) returning an index (as a number) ... not already known (the expected result shouldn't be provided as one of its parameters 🀐🀷)

Hope it can be fixed easily.

Thanks for everything.

With great humility (my deepest Go experience was limited to playing with Hugo modules -handling Bootstrap vendor folder problem- until recently ... I really started discovering Go syntax yesterday 🀐 ... please, be merciful πŸ˜…), I propose an opiniatedβ„’ solution ... since it's introducing a (much needed?!) breaking change 😱

You can easily test it, by spinning a Codespace on my fork (feature-hcl-index branch) as expected to prepare a PR (per doc).

I'm providing a feature-hcl-index/test.hcl available in the demo container environment (using make shell, as explained in the very same

variable "APP_VERSIONS" {
  default = [

group "default" {
    targets = [ "feature-hcl-index" ]

target "feature-hcl-index" {
    args = {
        APP_VERSION = app_version
    matrix = {
        app_version = APP_VERSIONS
    name="app-${replace(app_version, ".", "-")}"
    tags = [
        index(APP_VERSIONS, app_version) == 0 ? "app:latest" : "",

btw, I'm not providing tests since none is present in that part of the project (probably because it's mainly relying on imported code, tested elsewhere + learning how to write them would have consumed way too much time before ensuring anyone was actually in the loop of this issue 😏) = the previous test.hcl is my gift to the (still) too rare TDD approach πŸ˜­πŸ˜…

At least, the tests suite is still running after my modifications (easy since none exist for the hclparser part 😏)!

If you use it without the patched version, you'll get, as (un)expected (the reason I opened this issue πŸ˜…):

$ docker buildx bake --file path/to/feature-hcl-index/test.hcl --print
[+] Building 0.0s (1/1) FINISHED
 => [internal] load local bake definitions                            0.0s
 => => reading path/to/feature-hcl-index/test.hcl 453B / 453B         0.0s
  21 |         tags = [
  22 |             "app:${app_version}",
  23 | >>>         index(APP_VERSIONS, app_version) == 0 ? "app:latest" : "",
  24 |         ]
  25 |     }
ERROR: path/to/feature-hcl-index/test.hcl:23,9-15: Error in function call; Call to function "index" failed: key for tuple must be number., and 1 other diagnostic(s)

But within the demo container (aka using the proposed solution):

/work # docker buildx bake --file feature-hcl-index/test.hcl --print
[+] Building 0.0s (1/1) FINISHED
 => [internal] load local bake definitions                    0.0s
 => => reading feature-hcl-index/test.hcl 453B / 453B         0.0s
  "group": {
    "default": {
      "targets": [
    "feature-hcl-index": {
      "targets": [
  "target": {
    "app-1-42-2": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "args": {
        "APP_VERSION": "1.42.2"
      "tags": [
    "app-1-42-3": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "args": {
        "APP_VERSION": "1.42.3"
      "tags": [
    "app-1-42-4": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "args": {
        "APP_VERSION": "1.42.4"
      "tags": [

I can't take much credit for that solution, I'm just following the good people of Hashicorp stating stdlib.IndexFunc is not compatible (stdlib.IndexFunc being imported from the same source -obviously, why reinvent the wheel?! 😏- as it's done here:

To do so, I'm applying the same logic used 2 years ago by jedevc with timestampFunc = importing the solution from terraform itself! Same minor change(s) has(have) been applied to the imported parts.

By doing so, while still being a noob in Go, I hope to fall not so far from what's expected for a PR to be accepted?! 🀷

Anyway, I think I can see the philosophy behind the portions included in the bake feature (I am also a true believer in the motto: "The best code is the one you don't maintain" 😏) and how those choices can mislead people (index from go-cty not behaving as the one being part of the hcl syntax could lead to great frustration πŸ€πŸ˜…)

I understand the purpose of the bake subcommand is not to reproduce the full featureset of hcl from Hashicorp, but even on a limited subset we should expect everything required to manipulate collections without the trickery I've seen around ... just my 2 cents on the philosophical topic 🀷 (or why if it was up to me, I would probably add few other things 😏 ... making it easier to write -and maintain- things related to tagging for example: handling latest, major/minor/specific tags, etc. 🀷)

And, as conclusion, looking at the history of bake related sources ... that killing featureβ„’ is not receiving the love it deserves, if I may πŸ˜… With mine ... hoping all of that will help improve the common experience with Docker ❀️

For the crazy people living (thriving?! 😏) on the edgeβ„’, you can test this fix (aka use it locally until a maintainer says what about its future πŸ˜…) by following the (quite simple) Building instructions from the README:

# Buildx 0.6+
# $ docker buildx bake ""
$ docker buildx bake ""
$ mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
$ mv ./bin/build/buildx ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx

Rolling back to the default behavior is as easy as deleting the newly built plugin (or completely removing the cli-plugins folder if you don't have anything else inside)

Before installation (aka buildx distributed with docker itself):

$ docker buildx version v0.13.1 7884339

After (using the one built previously):

$ docker buildx version a88a281 a88a2814a43f633d75c9671911598c8c3e5222f7

Shown outputs (before/after versions) depend on your own configuration (don't expect a perfect match)

index function will now behave as its hcl definition πŸŽ‰

Enjoy while you can πŸ€πŸ˜…β€οΈ

Per the maintainer's request, this proposed function is now named indexof (mimicking the hcl behavior of index function) while the old index builtin (wrapped from go-cty, unpatched like done by the people of Hashicorp and the very source of this proposal) remains in place.

Even without the proper/expected fix, I hope it will help you enjoy the bake feature. Have fun 🀘