docgeni / docgeni

📖 A modern, powerful and out of the box documentation generator for Angular components lib and markdown docs.(现代化的、强大的、开箱即用的 Angular 组件文档生成工具)

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Circular build docgeni & throw error "LibrariesBuilder is emitting"

why520crazy opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

circular build docgeni & throw error "LibrariesBuilder is emitting" when apiMode set 'compatible', first run npm i and docgeni serve.

Start building...Error: LibrariesBuilder is emitting
    at LibrariesBuilder.onEmit (/Users/haifeng/IT/10_YC/Worktile/ngx-tethys/node_modules/@docgeni/core/lib/builders/libraries-builder.js:69:19)
    at LibrariesBuilder.emit (/Users/haifeng/IT/10_YC/Worktile/ngx-tethys/node_modules/@docgeni/core/lib/builders/emitter.js:10:20)
    at (/Users/haifeng/IT/10_YC/Worktile/ngx-tethys/node_modules/@docgeni/core/lib/compilation.js:40:85)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. delete node_modules
  2. exec npm i
  3. exec docgeni serve


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Browser: chrome
  • Version 1.2.0-next.13

Angular CLI ng serve first build third party library to Ivy, it trigger @docgeni/ngdoc watchers, and rebuild docgeni many times, it is not circular build.