dntaylor / DeepJet

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DeepJet: Repository for training and evaluation of deep neural networks for Jet identification

This package depends on DeepJetCore (https://github.com/DL4Jets/DeepJetCore)

Setup (CERN)

The DeepJet package and DeepJetCore have to share the same parent directory


After logging in, please source the right environment (please cd to the directory first!):

cd <your working dir>/DeepJet
source lxplus_env.sh / gpu_env.sh

The preparation for the training consists of the following steps

  • define the data structure for the training (example in modules/datastructures/TrainData_template.py) for simplicity, copy the file to TrainData_template.py and adjust it. Define a new class name (e.g. TrainData_template), leave the inheritance untouched

  • convert the root file to the data strucure for training using DeepJetCore tools:

    convertFromRoot.py -i /path/to/the/root/ntuple/list_of_root_files.txt -o /output/path/that/needs/some/disk/space -c TrainData_myclass

    This step can take a while.

  • prepare the training file and the model. Please refer to DeepJet/Train/XXX_template.reference.py


Since the training can take a while, it is advised to open a screen session, such that it does not die at logout.

ssh lxplus.cern.ch
<note the machine you are on, e.g. lxplus058>
ssh lxplus7

Then source the environment, and proceed with the training. Detach the screen session with ctr+a d. You can go back to the session by logging in to the machine the session is running on (e.g. lxplus58):

ssh lxplus.cern.ch
ssh lxplus058
screen -r

Please close the session when the training is finished

the training is launched in the following way:

python train_template.py /path/to/the/output/of/convert/dataCollection.dc <output dir of your choice>


After the training has finished, the performance can be evaluated. The evaluation consists of a few steps:

  1. converting the test data
convertFromRoot.py --testdatafor <output dir of training>/trainsamples.dc -i /path/to/the/root/ntuple/list_of_test_root_files.txt -o /output/path/for/test/data
  1. applying the trained model to the test data
predict.py <output dir of training>/KERAS_model.h5  /output/path/for/test/data/dataCollection.dc <output directory>

This creates output trees. and a tree_association.txt file that is input to the plotting tools

There is a set of plotting tools with examples in DeepJet/Train/Plotting




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