dnlnln / generate-sql-merge

Generate SQL MERGE statements with Table data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Case mismatch object_id column name

BHolthuijsen opened this issue · comments

This is just nit-picking, no real issue for me.

During a build in VS 2022, I get the following warning:

Warning SQL71558: The object reference [sys].[identity_columns].[OBJECT_ID] differs only by case from the object definition [master].[sys].[identity_columns].[object_id].

The warning occurs in the following line:

The "OBJECT_ID" should be changed to "object_id" to match the case of the column.

The current warning can just be ignored for me. Maybe it could be an issue in an instance that was installed as case sensitive.

This is now fixed, thanks for the report!