dnaeon / go-vcr

Record and replay your HTTP interactions for fast, deterministic and accurate tests

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tests fail if filter modifies URL

kayandra opened this issue · comments

Adding this filter to my recorder makes tests to fail.

		r.AddFilter(func(_ *cassette.Interaction) error {
			u, _ := url.Parse(i.Request.URL)
			q := u.Query()
			q.Set("access_key", "no-op")
			u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
			i.Request.URL = u.String()
			return nil

The service I'm building this library for insists on using the access key as a URL param since they've been doing that since launch nearly 10 years ago.

Since I'm snapshot testing the output of the requests, I don't want the access key getting logged.

But, modifying the interaction causes subsequent tests to fail.

What can I do to fix this?


Hi @kayandra

I'm not really a contributor to this project, but I did write the filter functionality (quite a long time ago). Can you provide some more information about why your subsequent tests are failing?

@judy2k Just because you wrote the filter implementation does make you a contributor, so thank you for it :) You can even see your name in the Contributors tab in this repo :)

@kayandra, please post some test results so that we can look into these.

It appears that you can set a custom matcher that also removes the query parameter from the URL when comparing the two.

func removeAPIKey(u *url.URL) *url.URL {
	query := u.Query()
	u.RawQuery = query.Encode()
	return u

func main() {
	r.SetMatcher(func(r *http.Request, i cassette.Request) bool {
		return r.Method == i.Method && removeAPIKey(r.URL).String() == i.URL

	r.AddFilter(func(i *cassette.Interaction) error {
		u, err := url.Parse(i.URL)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		i.URL = removeAPIKey(u).String()
		return nil

@ahornerr thanks! worked perfectly for me